Actress Corinne Masiero calls to vote against the “bastards” of the RN

Actress Corinne Masiero calls to vote against the “bastards” of the RN
Actress Corinne Masiero calls to vote against the “bastards” of the RN

Amazing things are happening in the depths of the French far left. The slightest foray into these spaces worthy of the Metaverse reserves its share of surprises. Crude conspiracy, uninhibited anti-Semitism, hateful racialism, uninhibited Islamism… we are never disappointed with the trip. Most of the time, however, it’s just stupidity. But not just any nonsense. We’re talking about competitive stupidity here. The one that is so pure and concentrated that it is almost a work of art.

This is what we were able to admire, Thursday June 20, on the YouTube channel of Mediapart. Broadcast live, the special was titled Faced with the extreme right, the urgency of mobilization. You already see the level. “They come from different backgrounds and are mobilizing everywhere in France against the extreme right”, we were warned, in the preamble. Among these “they and them”, we met some figures from NUPES (Faure, Tondelier, Guetté), but also a whole collection of pseudo-anti-racist activists, community influencers, associations from so-called priority neighborhoods. And in the middle of this far-left fauna, a face known to the general public: that of Corinne Masiero, alias Captain Marleau.

When intelligence meets elegance

Those who are not aficionados of the flagship series of France 3 perhaps remember the memorable performance that the actress gave at the 2021 César Awards. She then appeared completely naked on stage, with a bloody Tampax on her ears. His speech Thursday, on YouTube, proved to be just as elegant. “Well, I just want to pukeshe began, regarding the possibility of a victory for the RN in the next legislative elections. ¡No pasarán! It’s important to vote, you have to go vote. We have to go and support the New Popular Front, that’s all! It’s voting against the Black Death, that scum. » Friends of poetry and argumentative speeches, good evening!

If the delicious artist did not spare those close to the President of the Republic – “those bastards” -, she reserved her main attacks for the RN. Marine Le Pen’s party would, in fact, represent a mortal threat for certain minorities who would have every interest in uniting behind the far-left front. “Are you a chick? Go fucking vote! We’re girls, we’re going to take a beating: ban on abortion and so on. We saw what it looked like elsewhere. Racialized people are going to take it hard. I have friends who are in gay couples and they say to themselves “but what are we going to do, if these bastards pass by? We’re going to get lynched!” »

Minorities United

“I come from a family of immigrants”she added again, as if to assert a community of destiny with those she describes as “racialized”. Except that the actress’s name is Corinne, not Hapsatou. His parents, who came from Italy, chose assimilation. They demonstrated their love of France by adopting its customs. Which is neither more nor less what the RN asks of immigrants.

On the issue of women’s rights, Ms. Masiero’s posture is even more astonishing. She, who lives in Roubaix, is well placed to know the ravages of communitarianism – which the New Popular Front encourages – on the condition of women.

The same goes for LGBT minorities. Gays are less endangered by an RN (which has, moreover, many homosexuals in its ranks) than by an extreme left aligned with the Islamists. Just this week, we discovered the rather un-LGBT-friendly position of a certain Amal Bentounsi, LFI candidate in the sixth constituency of Seine-et-Marne. “We can’t blame a believer for being homophobic if their religion is”she wrote on Facebook a few years ago.

These are the kind of candidates that Corinne Masiero calls the “non-binary” to be supported without reservation. “We are going to vote for the New Popular Front. We don’t think! We’re going, that’s all. Point bar! » Faced with so much inconsistency, we wonder: ignorance or stupidity? Both, my captain!

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