The succession of Grand Duke Henri takes shape this fall

General surprise! A passing of the torch is taking shape at the Grand Ducal Court. Grand Duke Henri announced this Sunday, June 23, a national holiday, during the official ceremony at the Philharmonie that he would pass on the lieutenancy to his son Prince Guillaume next October. This transmission signifies a first step towards the gradual withdrawal of the Grand Duke who acceded to the throne in October 2000.

“With all my love and trust, I wholeheartedly wish him a happy hand. Let us look to the future with optimism, knowing that only together can we achieve great things. Long live Luxembourg and long live Europe!” declared Grand Duke Henri during his speech.

Following this announcement, the head of state, as well as his wife, kissed their son to the applause of the audience.

What is the role of the “lieutenant representative”?

Prince William will assume the role of head of state as representative (“lieutenant-representative”) in October. Grand Duke Henri, who will celebrate his 70th birthday on October 7, will delegate certain powers to Prince Guillaume.

“The Grand Duke may be represented by a person who meets the conditions of article 56, paragraph 1er, and who bears the title of lieutenant-representative of the Grand Duke,” indicates article 58 of the new Constitution which came into force last July. “The lieutenant-representative of the Grand Duke only takes office after having taken the following oath before the Chamber of Deputies: ‘I swear to observe the Constitution and the laws and to faithfully fulfill my constitutional responsibilities’. »

A thoughtful withdrawal

On RTL television, Luc Frieden (CSV) estimated that this transfer of power was well thought out and that it was a good symbol to announce it on the occasion of the national holiday. “A normal procedure, but at the same time historic which opens the page of a new chapter,” underlined the Prime Minister at the microphone of our colleagues at the Philharmonie. Following the Grand Duke’s announcement, the Prime Minister congratulated Prince Guillaume.

Grand Duke Henri acceded to the lieutenancy in March 1998. It then ended on October 7, 2000 with the abdication of Grand Duke Jean in his favor. Concerning the change of throne, no precise date has yet been indicated.

Last April, Grand Duke Henri declared to the Belgian media The Free know the date of his future abdication. “All of this is planned in consultation with my family,” he said without revealing more.



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