Florent Pagny (The Voice) good or bad coach? An ex-talent responds!

Florent Pagny (The Voice) good or bad coach? An ex-talent responds!
Florent Pagny (The Voice) good or bad coach? An ex-talent responds!

Passing through the show Chez Jordan, a former talent of Florent Pagny spoke about his relationship with his former coach from The Voice.

Youtube screenshot @The Voice: the most beautiful voice / TF1

Florent Pagny, who is still fighting lung cancer, is one of the emblematic coaches of The Voice. Present since the very first season, he gave up his chair in 2019 and 2020 before taking it back in 2021, just before the announcement of his illness in 2022. But how does the famous singer behave with his talents during the show ? Guest of Jordan de Luxe on C8 on June 21, 2024, an ex-talent gave his opinion on Florent Pagny.

Florent Pagny not very present with his talents?

Alban Bartoli, who is a candidate well known to fans of Angels, began his career on television in the famous TF1 telecrochet. Moreover, he revealed during his interview in At Jordan’sthat he had been the penultimate talent to go to the blind auditions of season 1 of The Voice and that there was then only one place left in Florent Pagny’s team, which explains why he ended up with him. “He’s a great guy” he confided, before indicating: “He, in particular, wasn’t there often because he lived abroad and came back every week.” The presenter then asked him who takes care of the candidates in these cases? “Production and the répétiteurs who are paid for it and whose job it really is”, revealed the singer.

“I’m not going to give you my phone number.”

Alban Bartoli made it known that Florent Pagny was present twice a week, which did not prevent him from slipping a few words to his team, to whom he never promised mountains and wonders. “Florent Pagny told us, very kindly and very honestly: ‘I’m telling you straight away, I’m not going to be able to help you with music, I’m going to be able to give you little tips, tricks or advice but I I’m not going to be able to make you sign a contract, I’m not going to be able to write you songs because I don’t write any, I’m not going to give you my phone number and email, I don’t know how to use it. ” The young artist, who has very good memories of his coach, concluded: “When he was there, he was really there.”



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