Prince Harry is looking for an apartment or house in the United Kingdom

Prince Harry is looking for an apartment or house in the United Kingdom
Prince Harry is looking for an apartment or house in the United Kingdom

A year after his “expulsion” from Frogmore Cottage, by decision of King Charles, Harry would cultivate nostalgia for his native country. To the point, they say, of wanting to find a pied-à-terre there.

Would the euphoria of his move to California last long? Prince Harry, who declared just a few months ago on American television that he loved his life on this side of the Atlantic “every day” and that the United States was his “new country” would not be as fulfilled as he means it well… The years have passed and the charms of Montecito, in the golden hills of Santa Barbara, seem to be tarnished. No matter that he has, with Meghan and their two children, Archie and Lilibet, a sumptuous villa of 9 bedrooms and 16 bathrooms, with landscaped park, swimming pool, tennis court and guest house, a value of 13 million euros.

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As he approaches his forties, the Duke of Sussex would like to see his old friends from university and regiment more often. However, those concerned are reluctant to visit him, especially since most of them are at odds with his wife. No one is unaware of their “differences” which Meghan has never tried to resolve! In this regard, author and royal specialist Tom Quinn has just told Mirror : “As time goes by, he misses aspects of his old life in the United Kingdom. Inevitably, the honeymoon period when everything in the United States is new and exciting comes to an end and Harry looks at the past through glasses tinged with pink.”

Harry wants to find a residence in the United Kingdom

However, it was indeed he who, in 2020, cut ties with the “bitter homeland”, by terminating all his official obligations as a “senior member” of the royal family. The publication of his autobiographical firework Spare (The Substitute), in January 2023, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. His father, not yet king, immediately initiated the procedure to recover Frogmore Cottage, the 5-bedroom residence in Windsor, which the late Elizabeth II had given as a wedding gift, for life, to her grandson, in 2018 Harry and Meghan may have grumbled that the renovation of the residence had cost them a whopping 2.6 million euros, Charles III was inflexible and the Sussexes had to return the keys to Frogmore in June 2023.

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Today, the prodigal son is furious at having to stay at a hotel or with relatives when he stays in London. More seriously, he was snubbed by the aristocracy and was not even invited to the Duke of Westminster’s wedding, the “wedding of the year”! “Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is part of why he is continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security.” At least that’s what Tom Quinn says. In any event, there is little chance that his request, already rejected by the High Court in London in February, will result favorably. If he wishes to find a “home” in the country of his ancestors, the Duke of Sussex will have to pay the costs of his own protection himself.



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