here is what their size and that of King Charles III says about their personality

Kate Middleton and Prince William are certainly Britain’s most glamorous couple. Symbol of English chic, each of their appearances is scrutinized by the whole world. It must be said that the Princess of Wales, with a slender silhouette with a model waist, always appears
perfectly dressed. Prince William is not left out and doesn’t lack style either. Clothing choices which would not only be a question of fashion, but also a form of expression.

Indeed, each outfit, each accessory, each carefully selected detail sends a message and tell a story. But their respective wardrobes aren’t the only ones that speak for them. Indeed, according to an article published on the British tabloid website The Sunthe height of Kate Middleton, Prince William as well as that of King Charles III would say a lot about their personality.

Kate Middleton, Prince William or even King Charles III: what does their size reveal about their personality?

Kate Middletonfrom the top of his almost
1.75 meters, is about 12 centimeters taller than the average British woman. She is also the tallest woman in the royal family, surpassing Queen Camilla and her sister-in-law, Meghan Markle, by several centimeters. Her stature, worthy of a future queen, could also contribute to
his great confidence, according to Daniel Freeman, a clinical psychologist in Oxford, at National Geographic. He explains : “Size seems to affect our perception of social status. The implication is that being taller can make you more confident in social situations.”.

For his part, Prince William is undoubtedly the tallest member of the royal family, even far surpassing his father, King Charles III. With its imposing stature1.90 meters, the eldest of the family and future heir to the throne, clearly confirms the role intended for him. Indeed, Linda A. Jackson, professor of psychology at Michigan State University, explains: “Taller men are perceived as having higher status, leadership skills stronger and more professionally successful than men of average height or shorter.”

Kate Middleton and William

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photo credit: Shutterstock
Kate Middleton and William

The big challenge for Kate Middleton’s father-in-law, Charles III

The king Charles III approaches the height of his beloved daughter-in-law, measuring 1.78 meters. A height which was also similar to that of his first wife, the late Lady Diana. He also had to use all kinds of tricks to make King Charles III appear taller than the mother of Princes William and Harry in the official photos. An imperative which Professor Lisa Wade, of Occidental College in Los Angeles, explains: “This effort to make Charles appear taller is a social commitment in favor of the idea that men are taller and women shorter.”

Lisa Wade then points out: “When our own bodies and the partners we have chosen do not respect
this rulewe sometimes go to great lengths to preserve the illusion.”
And to finally specify:
“However, when Charles and Diana posed together formally, they were usually arranged in a way to suggest that he was significantly taller than her, or at least taller than her.
hide the fact that he wasn’t.”

Kate Middleton, Prince William, King Charles III: size and leadership

Size therefore seems to play an important role in Perception members of the royal family by public opinion and particularly with regard to their leadership capacity. However, with her 1.62 meters, the late queen
Elizabeth IIranked among the shortest women in the British Crown, in sharp contrast to her husband, Prince Philip, who was the tallest in the royal family.

photo credit: Shutterstock

However, this did not prevent her from reigning for 70 yearsthe longest reign of the British monarchy, and to leave an indelible mark on the British people, but also in the eyes of the whole world by her popularity. So maybe it’s not just a question of size.



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