Prince Julian inaugurates a playground in his name in his Duchy of Halland

Prince Julian of Sweden accompanied his parents to Varberg, in Halland County, on June 17, 2024. Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia visited Naturum Getterön with their youngest son, where he was invited to inaugurate a children’s play area which bears his name.

Read also: A spring photo of Prince Julian of Sweden for his third birthday

Inauguration of Prince Julian’s baptism gift in connection with his title of Duke of Halland

On the occasion of his baptism in the summer of 2021, Prince Julian of Sweden received as a gift the promise of the construction of a playground in his name in the county of Halland. All the grandchildren of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia received this gift at their baptism. This June 17, 2024, Prince Carl Philip, son of the royal couple, and his wife, Princess Sofia, accompanied their son Julian to Varberg to inaugurate his playground.

Prince Julian opens the playground by running across the ribbon (Photo: Tommy Holl/Stella Pictures/ABACAPRESS.COM)

Read also: Rare appearance of Prince Julian at almost 3 years old!

Prince Julian, who celebrated his 3rd birthday on March 26, was dressed in a yellow Ralph Lauren sweater, one of the colors of the Swedish flag, to make his first public engagement dedicated to him. Prince Julian is the third and youngest child of Prince Carl Philip. His two big brothers, Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel, born in 2016 and 2017, had already been entitled to the same gift before him.

Naturum Getterön and its playground are located in Varberg, in today’s Halland County (Image: Histoires Royales)
The duchies, corresponding to the former Swedish provinces, associated with members of the royal family (Image: Histoires Royales)

Also read: Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar learn to handle the Swedish flag before the national holiday

Prince Julian makes his first public engagement dedicated to him

Instead of cutting the symbolic ribbon, the little prince ran across the ribbon. He then tried the different wooden games, including the famous slide, to the applause and encouragement of his parents. Prince Julian is 7th in the line of succession to the Swedish throne. The wooden games have a bird theme. The large eagle-shaped slide received a first name chosen by the little prince. The slide was named Charlie Örn by Julian.

Prince Carl Philip holds Prince Julian as he speaks a few words into the microphone to open his playground (Photo: Tommy Holl/Stella Pictures/ABACAPRESS.COM)

The playground was built in Naturum Getterön, in Halland County. It is thus the first physical place which connects the Prince of Sweden to his ducal territory. All members of the royal family receive a ducal title from the sovereign at birth. The title’s name is a tribute to the country’s ancient provinces. The old provinces disappeared in the 17th century and are today replaced by counties, but they are still used informally by the population and are anchored in culture. The former province of Halland corresponds almost to the borders of the current county of Halland, in the southwest of the country.

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Nicolas Fontaine


Nicolas Fontaine has been a designer-editor and author for numerous Belgian and French brands and media. A specialist in royal family news, Nicolas founded the site Histoires royales of which he is the editor-in-chief. [email protected]



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