Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) opens his heart to Jean-Luc Reichmann for a special occasion

Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) opens his heart to Jean-Luc Reichmann for a special occasion
Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) opens his heart to Jean-Luc Reichmann for a special occasion

Today at 2:00 p.m. – by
Jessica Gajderowicz

This Sunday, June 16, Émilien took advantage of a special date to make a beautiful statement to Jean-Luc Reichmann in The 12 strokes of noon. Words which greatly moved the host who did not fail to respond to him.

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Émilien first appeared in The 12 strokes of noon last September. Unbeatable, the young man has surpassed all records since he reached one million euros for his prize pool last May. The 21-year-old Vendéen also ousted Bruno in terms of the number of participations but also by discovering his tenth Mysterious Star. And the adventure is only just beginning since he is still competing in the flagship TF1 show.

Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) makes a touching declaration to Jean-Luc Reichmann

This Sunday, June 16, dads are in the spotlight. To start the show, Émilien did not fail to make a touching declaration to Jean-Luc Reichmann. “It’s Father’s Day so I want to wish you a happy one too. You who are a bit like my television dad“, he told her. Words that did not leave the host indifferent, far from it. “It touches me, thank you very much. But it’s touching because I’m trying to be the most protective for you, for your family, for everyone and for Jessica.” Émilien then showed him his gratitude: “You are and you’re super welcoming every time to people on set. QWhen people from my family come, you are welcoming and friendly so there you go, thank you.

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Émilien abandons his studies to The 12 strokes of noon

Émilien has shown it on several occasions: he has incredible general knowledge. Jessica’s companion was studying History before participating in the show. But given his multiple participations, he had to put his studies on hold. “I gave everything to fully experience the show, as it’s something that only happens once and I know that this superb parenthesis will close. For next year and for the future, I prefer to repeat“, he said. A break to bounce back better afterwards.

Article written in collaboration with 6medias.

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