The cultural summer of 1964: Pierre Péladeau is “a bit of the father of the star system in Quebec,” believes singer Shirley Théroux

“Those years were crazy and wonderful!” – Shirley Théroux

At 78 years old, Shirley Théroux has a career spanning more than 60 years. However, the year 1964, she remembers as if it were yesterday.

Courtesy Radio-Canada

“I started in 1963, so I only had one year of career behind me. I have unforgettable memories! My life’s dream was to sing, and in 1964, it was as if there had been a fairy who took her little wand and put that on my head and everything was gone: success, the songs,” she recalls in an interview with Newspaper.

Her biggest success, when she was just an 18-year-old singer? A song about marriage called I will always be yours. “She played at almost all the weddings in Quebec. It was a big success,” she recalls with a laugh.

personal collection of Shirley Théroux

For Shirley Théroux, Pierre Péladeau is “a bit like the father of star system in Quebec”.

“He loved artists. He was present at all the galas. And there were his magazines! And his diary! It all happened at the same time. The artists, we owe a lot to him, to Mr. Péladeau, he was so important,” she believes.

Shirley Théroux today, at the age of 78

Shirley Théroux today, at the age of 78

Photo Agence QMI, JOEL LEMAY

Shirley Théroux today, at the age of 78

At this time, the arrival of Télé-Métropole and Montreal Journal created a revival of culture and arts in Quebec, believes the interpreter.

She will never forget her victory in the television competition The discoveries of Yoland Guérard in 1963. The grand prize? More than a dozen appearances on popular variety television shows with musicians.

“When a girl like me won… I became the darling of the province of Quebec overnight! Then, every week, I was on television. It all started in 1964 for me,” relates the artist who launched his great success A man is handsome the next year.

“Those years were crazy and wonderful! I was number one, but I didn’t make many magazine covers, because I didn’t cause a scandal. I was too clean to make foreheads », Adds the always bubbly Shirley Théroux, laughing.

Shirley Théroux today, at the age of 78

Courtesy Radio-Canada

Shirley Théroux today, at the age of 78

Photo Agence QMI, JOEL LEMAY

Shirley Théroux today, at the age of 78

Photo Agence QMI, JOEL LEMAY

