At 82, the crazy revelation about Chantal Goya: “She lives without…

At 82, the crazy revelation about Chantal Goya: “She lives without…
At 82, the crazy revelation about Chantal Goya: “She lives without…

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

A popular figure for many decades, and an undisputed star of children’s singers, Chantal Goya enjoys a good public image. Yet discreet and tidy, she has a stubborn Achilles heel, which has already put her before the courts: money. And clearly, things haven’t worked out…

Chantal Goya has been singing for almost 60 years, and 50 years she has devoted her career to children. Still popular with all generations, those who share Jean-Jacques Debout’s life can be proud of his career. But behind his smooth image hide serious problems with money, and have always or almost.

From the 1980s, in fact, the couple had problems with the tax authorities. Redressed five times between 1985 and 1995, the artists were given a suspended prison sentence in 2007 for other irregularities, including unpaid tax worth more than 250,000 euros dating from the year 2000. But even after this serious blow, nothing helped.

Chantal Goya says she lives without retirement

Still pursued by Bercy since then, the interpreter of “Pandi, panda” has long since abandoned the idea of ​​resolving her financial problems forever. In Laurent Argelier’s podcast, she explained in 2023:

There are never any in my pocket. As soon as it goes in, it goes out again just as quickly.

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Worse still, Chantal Goya claims to have no retirement, despite her more than 60 years of career! In this same show, she blurted out, disappointed:

I could complain, because I don’t have a pension (…) We didn’t contribute at the time, it didn’t exist.

Let us note, however, that in 2017, this same Chantal Goya declared that she received 565 euros per month in the columns of the “Voix du Nord”. A modest sum considering the time worked, certainly, but a retirement all the same. A welcome influx of money for those who were registered with the Bank of France and who were declared banned from banking, a sign of the seriousness of their financial situation.

A situation to which she is accustomed, and about which she was almost ironic on the microphone of “Parisien” when talking about her routine:

In the morning, as soon as I wake up, I attack the problems. I settle everything, banks, invoices, bailiffs, I’ve been there… And then, politely and firmly, I suggest: “How can we fix this?” » In general, the interlocutor appreciates it. Then I undertake to respect the agreed deadline.

Despite 17 albums and 40 million records sold, Chantal Goya has never really been able to demonstrate a healthy financial situation. The fault lies in excessive spending and an excessively high lifestyle, which could never really be put under cover. This perhaps explains why the octogenarian continues to give numerous shows across France!



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