At 76 years old, Evelyne Dhéliat is very sincere about cosmetic surgery and she: “It’s…

At 76 years old, Evelyne Dhéliat is very sincere about cosmetic surgery and she: “It’s…
At 76 years old, Evelyne Dhéliat is very sincere about cosmetic surgery and she: “It’s…

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

Still unfailing on the airwaves of TF1, where she has worked for more than three decades, Evelyne Dhéliat seems to be pushing the limits of age. But does she do it with a little help called cosmetic surgery? This is the question that was asked to her recently, and to which she responded with great frankness and transparency.

France Télévision has Michel Drucker, and in many ways, TF1 has Evelyne Dhéliat. Realize: when she began her career at the ORTF as an announcer, General de Gaulle was still in power. 56 years later, the head of the front page weather service has still been in business for 76 years, with energy and passion that have not weakened.

If she is obviously working hard to prepare her succession, the grandmother of two children does not necessarily seem willing to give up her position any time soon. It must be said that she always displays radiant energy and vivacity, which does not escape the public. Comfortable in her skin, she avoids nothing, not even taboo questions.

Evelyne Dhéliat says no to the scalpel

During an interview given to RTL, Evelyne Dhéliat was indeed questioned on the thorny subject of cosmetic surgery. But the answer was clear and clear:

I’ve never done it. I am, as the antique dealers say, in my own juice. Not even a little Botox thing.

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And when the journalist Eric Dussart tried to revive the septuagenarian by emphasizing, rightly, that the use of cosmetic surgery is “rather widespread in our professions”, the Cologne native persisted and signed:

Yes, it’s common, but I’m not. I never had the temptation. I accept myself as I am, and then, sometimes, it’s successful, but sometimes, it’s a bit of a failure.

However, the one who was Catherine Laborde’s colleague for a long time, who also fights the disease and who we think of, does not have a binary vision of the use of the scalpel and injections:

I think it’s good to be yourself. So, it depends what it is. Because I remember, I had a girlfriend, she had a hooked nose. And she had surgery. But that’s very good, because she was so bad about herself that that’s something else.

In any case, Evelyne Dhéliat is past the age of worrying about the passing of time, as she philosophically summarized:

Oh no, I accept the age that I am. And then there you go, I’m lucky to be the way I am. That is to say, it’s okay.

If the personalities of the PAF, of a certain age or not, have generally all resorted to cosmetic surgery at least once, even minor, Evelyne Dhéliat seems like a UFO by refusing it again and again. An assumed decision on the part of someone who has come a long way, who has overcome illness, and who doesn’t care about a few wrinkles here and there. In any case, the popularity of the most famous Miss Weather remains intact, and rightly so!



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