Alice Taglioni denounces the heavy atmosphere on the set of Hélène and the boys, “I felt very uncomfortable”

Alice Taglioni denounces the heavy atmosphere on the set of Hélène and the boys, “I felt very uncomfortable”
Alice Taglioni denounces the heavy atmosphere on the set of Hélène and the boys, “I felt very uncomfortable”

There are older hit shows that wouldn’t be as well received by new generation viewers. According to Alice Taglioni, the sitcom Helene and the boys
is part of.

Guest on Europe 1, in the show Culture Media,
The actress actually spoke about her experience on the set of the soap opera, a bad memory for her.

Alice Taglioni: her difficult start to her career

Alice Taglioni has received remarks about her physique since she was very young. When she was younger, Laurent Delahousse’s partner auditioned to enter the Conservatory. But a professor on the jury asked her if she didn’t want to become a model instead. A remark that the actress took very badly at the time. “People told me it was flattering. But no, it wasn’t: it was demeaning and pointless
she told the magazine She.

Alice Taglioni’s first role was that of the naive groupie in love with José, in the sitcom Helene and the boys, launched in 1992. At the time, the young woman was just 18 years old. She revealed to Thomas Isle that she did not have a good memory of this first experience.

photo credit: shutterstock
Alice Taglioni spoke to Europe 1 about her traumatic experience in the sitcom Hélène and the boys. She denounces a heavy atmosphere, which today in the era of MeToo, would not meet with the same reception.

Alice Taglioni denounces the atmosphere on the set of Hélène and the boys

“Frankly, I don’t have good memories of it”, explained Alice Taglioni about filming the French sitcom. At the time, she played a groupie who unexpectedly wanders into the boys’ rehearsal room. The mother deplored “the atmosphere” film sets, unhealthy according to her. “Say 30 years later, MeToo, there are many things to sayshe said on Europe 1. The actress then explained that she had been very, very uncomfortable. “No, it was complicated, frankly” she concluded, without giving further details.

At 47, the actress has experienced many difficult times. The forty-year-old had recounted another traumatic and shocking experience in the columns of Elle. A man he met in the street told him he looked after aspiring models and invited him to his office. Once there, he asked Alice Taglioni to undress. “I had the strength to say no” she confided, emphasizing a temperament due to her upbringing.

Alice Taglioni: a discreet life

At 47, Alice Taglioni is today a sought-after actress, but not only that. The mother is also a former Miss Corsica and an excellent pianist! Laurent Delahousse’s partner remains discreet about her private life and in the public sphere. With the presenter of France 2, the actress had two children, Swann born in 2016, then Lino, born in 2019.

Today, Alice Taglioni is making a media comeback for the release of her first book, A living dad. In this work, she depicts a boy who grows up without a father. The mother was simply inspired by the story of her first son, Charlie, born in 2009. His father, Jocelyn Quivin, died in a car accident shortly after his birth. Another trauma in the life of Alice Taglioni.



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