Bloodied Demi Moore, Cronenberg’s new madness… The 77th Cannes Film Festival is full of gore

Bloodied Demi Moore, Cronenberg’s new madness… The 77th Cannes Film Festival is full of gore
Bloodied Demi Moore, Cronenberg’s new madness… The 77th Cannes Film Festival is full of gore

Several films shown on the Croisette, notably The Substance by the Frenchwoman Coralie Fargeat, venture towards horror. Proof that the genre has definitely made a place for itself in world cinema.

A few ticklish spectators apparently left the theater The Substance, faced with the hemoglobin-filled spectacle of Demi Moore injecting herself with rejuvenating products. But this feminist horror film by Frenchwoman Coralie Fargeat, which is a charge against the abuses of cosmetic surgery, received a warm welcome on the Croisette. It proves that genre cinema, particularly horror, has definitively established itself at the Cannes Film Festival.

“I really designed the film as a sensory and visual experience and also as an emotional roller coaster of which laughter is a part”details Coralie Fargeat to AFP. “The excessive side of gore allows us to talk about very serious things while completely playing down the drama (…). For me this genre is very linked to humor”continues the director, who signed the film revenge in 2017 and is running, with The Substance, Golden Palm. The prize list will be revealed on Saturday evening.

Martyred bodies

Also in competition, Swedish-Polish director Magnus Von Horn made an impression with The Young Woman with the Needle, a beautiful film which shows, through trying scenes, the trajectory of a Danish woman in 1918 mistreated by fate and forced to have an abortion. With The Shroudsoctogenarian David Cronenberg (Fly, Crash) is for once surprisingly economical with hemoglobin, but does not hesitate to show tortured bodies.

Read alsoCannes Film Festival: our review of Shrouds, by David Cronenberg, a pathetic film

The Shroudswhich did not appeal Le Figarofollows a man (Vincent Cassel) inconsolable since the death of his wife, who watches bodies rot under connected shrouds… German actress Diane Kruger often appears naked, with a body covered in scars. “I rarely do very naked roles, it’s not what I love the most. And on top of being naked, having all these scars, being damaged… Really, I wasn’t wellshe confided to AFP. We had to let go and I relied a lot on Vincent (Cassel), who knows Cronenberg well.”

The Apprentice, the explosive biopic of young Donald Trump, which made the Republican candidate’s spokesperson come off his hinges, also features a small, crude sequence of cosmetic surgery. Out of competition, Women on the balcony, by Noémie Merlant, uses gore as an enjoyable release. The French actress and director imagined a female trio who revolt, in their own way, against the patriarchy.

A dedicated pavilion

This isn’t the first time Cannes has opened up to what has long been considered a subgenre. The film Titanium by Frenchwoman Julia Ducournau, drenched in gore, won the Palme d’Or in 2021.

Proof of this recognition, a Fantasy Pavilion dedicated to horror, thriller and science fiction has been set up within the Marché du Film, frequented each year by more than two thousand professionals. An independent initiative.

“This is the second year that this pavilion is in Cannes, the idea was to create a meeting point”explains to AFP Tim Luna, a producer based in Mexico. “Even though films of these genres are in the selections at Cannes, there was no real place to hear the voices of those who make them”underlines this professional who is convinced that horror has a bright future ahead of it.



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