Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) embarrassed to steal the spotlight from Jean-Luc Reichmann in the theater, his confidences

Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) embarrassed to steal the spotlight from Jean-Luc Reichmann in the theater, his confidences
Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) embarrassed to steal the spotlight from Jean-Luc Reichmann in the theater, his confidences

Saturday May 18, on the plateau of 12 shots of noonwhen talking about his notoriety, Émilien remembered an event which particularly marked him when he went to see Jean-Luc Reichmann on stage.

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To date, he is the greatest champion of televised games in France. If Émilien did not imagine winning such a title, by setting foot on the plateau for the first time 12 shots of noon, today, the young History student could not be more proud of his career. And there is something! With a prize pool amounting to more than 1,040,071 euros, the young man has far surpassed the record of the one we thought was unbeatable: Bruno. Despite his relatively relaxed appearance, Émilien does not escape doubts and concerns. On May 16, on the set of TF1, it was the companion of the Maître de midi who spoke on this subject: “I sense Émilien is stressed and I can hardly reassure him from a distance… I hope to be able to come back with you soon if the adventure continues!”

Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) talks about an event that particularly bothered him

Whether he likes it or not, Émilien is now a star of the small screen. And the Master of Midday understood that to his cost. Saturday May 18, during the new episode of 12 shots of noonthe young man spoke about his notoriety and the consequences of it. “It’s true that I’m getting more and more recognition. It still feels weird”, he admitted. Before talking about a situation that made him particularly uncomfortable. “The moment when it stood out to me the most and was funny was the moment when you very kindly invited me to the theater and there were a lot of spectators and viewers of the 12 shots of noon. It was a bit crazy! It was very weird to be there, watching the show and seeing people taking pictures of me“, he confided, with a touch of embarrassment, to Jean-Luc Reichmann

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Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) warmly thanks Jean-Luc Reichmann on set

Although Émilien was somewhat disturbed to find himself at the center of attention that evening, the young man nevertheless has very good memories of this evening at the theater. And for good reason, in addition to inviting the Master of Midday to see him on stage, Jean-Luc Reichmann also invited his grandmother and little sister. Deeply touched by the host’s gesture, the Vendéen wanted to thank him once again, in front of the cameras of the TF1 game show. “I would like to thank you once again, publicly, for these invitations. It is indeed, as you had hoped, a moment that brought people together. My grandmother talks to me a lot about it. She was very Glad to come and see you play!”did he declare.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.



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