Evan Fournier cash on meeting his wife: “It’s funny because my parents…

Evan Fournier cash on meeting his wife: “It’s funny because my parents…
Evan Fournier cash on meeting his wife: “It’s funny because my parents…

By Pierre-Andréa Fraile | Sports journalist

Generally very discreet on social networks for several years, Evan Fournier has only very rarely appeared there with his wife, Laura. However, he revealed the conditions of his meeting with her, in some way linked to that of… his parents.

His youngest fans, who only recently started following him online, have probably never seen his sweetheart’s face. It must be said that Evan Fournier only publishes content relating to his professional career and keeps his private life relatively secret. For example, we have to go back to May 2020 to see him appear on French television with the name Laura, as part of the show All In The Kitchen :

Evan Fournier’s amusing revelation about his relationship

Married since 2019 to Laura, Evan Fournier tries to lead a quiet family life by her side. However, his wife could also have found herself in the spotlight… through basketball. It is also thanks to the orange ball that the two lovebirds were able to get to know each other and subsequently experience true love. The French international indeed says in a TikTok from INSEP:

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Evan Fournier: My little anecdote about INSEP? It’s funny because my parents met at INSEP as athletes, where they both did judo. And that’s where I met my wife!

Thus, like his parents, Vavane and his wife saw their paths cross through their shared passion for basketball.

A promising player during her youth, Laura Kebe participated in scouting at INSEP in 2007, alongside Tracy Albicy, Andrew’s sister. Her current husband joined the Federal Center the same year from Charenton. Their meeting there therefore gave rise to a beautiful romance which still continues today and to a family which welcomed little Elias in 2019.

No wonder, then, that Evan returns with joy to INSEP at each gathering of the French team in which he participates. After all, the French winger experienced many other notable moments there:

Evan Fournier: INSEP is part of my life. I was even at the daycare here and that’s where I learned to ride a bike! It’s a place full of history for me.

Like his parents a few years earlier, Evan Fournier met his wife, also a talented basketball player, in the INSEP infrastructure. Destiny has definitely done things well for the veteran of the Blues.



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