a new perception of the world at the Garage Center d’art

a new perception of the world at the Garage Center d’art
a new perception of the world at the Garage Center d’art

Drawings, sculptures, video, including “sound poetry”… The new exhibition at the Garage Center d’art aims to be multidisciplinary on a theme that combines interiority with exteriority: “Room with clouds”.

The exhibition, open Saturday October 12, 2024, brings together three artists from as well as a Spanish artist, all inspired by Superstudio, famous for having radically rethought architecture and design. They are the painter-designer Mélissande Herdier, the sculptor Pierre Feller and the “sound poet” Axelle Glé, all three from Saint-Pierre-des-Corps.

Creations that “talk well together”

The video of Dora Garcia, from Barcelona, ​​entitled Hotel Wolfersdated 2007, is an installation on the relationship between art and architecture, which passes through the spaces of the building in Brussels of Henry van de Velde, one of the founders of the Art Nouveau movement in Belgium.

“It dialogues well together”, rejoiced Lionel Chisson, deputy for culture, in the presence of Mayor Brice Ravier, at the opening Friday October 11.

For the sculptor Pierre Ferrer, “these are slightly impossible architectures that play with the idea of ​​architecture; this is the question of modernity. » His work, Superpositiona piece of wood, plaster and coated, stained and patinated burlap, represents “a deconstruction, a softening of architecture”, he assures.

“Both abstract and poetic”

The 40-year-old Corpopétrussien, who collaborated with Mélissande Herdier to create Volcanic bomba sculpture in wood, acrylic and volcanic rock, highlights the “link with the other pieces, like a counter to the other works, very tense, rectilinear, drawn, rational. »

Pierre Feller in front of his work “Superposition”.
© (Photo NR)

Lionel Chisson welcomes the Garage’s collaboration with two “prestigious partners”namely the Regional Contemporary Art Funds (FRAC) and the Ar



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