Denunciation of the Practices of Insurance Companies in Morocco regarding Travel Insurance Subscriptions for Europe – Consonews

Denunciation of the Practices of Insurance Companies in Morocco regarding Travel Insurance Subscriptions for Europe – Consonews
Denunciation of the Practices of Insurance Companies in Morocco regarding Travel Insurance Subscriptions for Europe – Consonews

We, the National Federation of Consumer Associations, wish to draw the attention of the competent authorities and the general public to an unfair and unacceptable practice adopted by insurance companies in Morocco. These companies refuse to reimburse travel insurance subscriptions for Europe, even in the event of a visa refusal. This situation is particularly worrying because travel insurance is a mandatory condition for obtaining a Schengen visa, thus imposing a significant cost on visa applicants without any guarantee of reimbursement in the event of refusal.
• Context
To obtain a Schengen visa, it is imperative for Moroccan citizens to take out travel insurance covering the entire duration of their planned stay in Europe. This insurance must guarantee minimum coverage of 30,000 euros for medical and repatriation costs. The cost of this insurance can represent a significant sum for many applicants, generally varying between 200 and 1500 MAD (approximately 20 to 150 euros) depending on the duration and nature of the stay. The consumer loses on average 70 euros to subscribe.
• Issue
In the event of visa refusal, applicants find themselves in a situation where they have paid on average 70 euros to take out insurance from which they cannot benefit. If we project this onto the 119,346 applicants in 2022 (according to the Schengen Visa Info platform), we come to 8,354,200 euros. Insurance companies, although fully aware of this possibility, systematically refuse to reimburse insurance premiums, even if the trip does not take place. This practice is not only unfair, but it can be considered unjust enrichment and a breach of ethical and moral obligations towards the consumer.
• Comparison with other Regions
The European Union delegation in the Kingdom told us that companies can reimburse the premium upon presentation of the visa refusal notice and that within the European Union, this service is well practiced by insurance companies. . In the event of visa refusal, it is common for travel insurance costs to be reimbursed even in some Arab countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, as well as in several African countries such as South Africa and Nigeria. . It is therefore all the more necessary for Moroccan insurance companies to adopt similar practices to ensure fairness and justice for visa applicants.
• Lack of communication from the Insurance and Social Security Control Authority (ACAPS)
We also express our deep incomprehension and surprise at the attitude of the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority. Despite our letter requesting advice and intervention on this problem, ACAPS did not deign to respond to us and preferred to bury its head in the sand. This lack of response is unacceptable and can only reflect a total indifference to the interests of Moroccan consumers.
• Our Requests
 Refund of Insurance Premiums in the event of Visa Refusal: We request that insurance companies adopt a clear and fair refund policy for unused travel insurance subscriptions due to visa refusal.
 Transparency and Information: We ask insurance companies to provide clear and precise information on their reimbursement policies when purchasing travel insurance.
 Intervention of the Authorities: We call on the regulatory authorities to examine these practices and take the necessary measures to protect the rights of Moroccan consumers.
It is unacceptable that Moroccan citizens are forced to pay for a service they cannot benefit from, without any possibility of reimbursement. We call on insurance companies to review their policies and adopt fairer practices that respect consumer rights. Furthermore, we urge the Insurance Regulatory Agency to break its silence and provide clear answers and solutions to this urgent problem.



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