Royal Air Maroc connects Abuja to Casablanca with a new direct flight | APAnews

Royal Air Maroc connects Abuja to Casablanca with a new direct flight | APAnews
Royal Air Maroc connects Abuja to Casablanca with a new direct flight | APAnews

The inauguration of the Abuja-Casablanca line by Royal Air Maroc (RAM) marks a significant step towards closer integration between African economies.

This Sunday, Royal Air Maroc (RAM) set a significant milestone by operating the inaugural flight between Abuja and Casablanca, from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport. The event was celebrated with brilliance, including the traditional “water salute”, in the presence of eminent personalities such as the Moroccan ambassador to Nigeria, Moha Ou Ali Tagma, and the regional representative of RAM, Ahmed Anouar Boussouf. This new direct connection, which will see three flights per week (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday), was welcomed with joy by passengers, delighted with this new connection between the Nigerian and Moroccan capitals.

This initiative is not only important for economic and trade relations between the two countries, but it also strengthens RAM’s role as a leader in air transport in Africa. By extending its network to key destinations, the Moroccan company is responding to a growing demand for air connectivity on the continent.

The Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, already a major hub in West Africa, sees in this new route a strengthening of its strategic importance, facilitating cultural, tourist and commercial exchanges between West and South Africa. North. The close collaboration between the Nigerian Airports Authority and RAM promises to drive economic development in the region, while providing business and leisure travelers with a new flight option.




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