government and rebels criticize UN report in connection with Sudan

government and rebels criticize UN report in connection with Sudan
government and rebels criticize UN report in connection with Sudan

“Logistics hub”, “essential supply line”… the terms used by UN experts to talk about Am Dafok, a border town with Sudan, did not please the authorities in Bangui. “It’s absolutely false,” Communications Minister Maxime Balalou told the press this week.

According to him, the militiamen who appear at the border would always be “disarmed and quartered” and the only Sudanese present in Central African territory would be refugees (around 10,000).

However, experts have reported several incursions by the FSR into the north-east of the Central African Republic since August 2023. One of Hemetti’s brothers would also have consolidated commercial lines to Bangui and Bambari, adds the researcher and specialist in the Central African Republic internationally. crisis group (ICG), Charles Bouessel.

At the same time, and despite a security agreement with the Central African government, the FSR did not fight the rebels present in this region. Experts even assure that men were recruited from within them as mercenaries for Sudan, in exchange for new weapons. A conclusion formally refuted by a press release signed Thursday by Ali Darassa. The military coordinator of the CPC assures that the coalition “has never been contacted for a request for service. »



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