“I am concerned about the elections in France”

“I am concerned about the elections in France”
“I am concerned about the elections in France”

“I am concerned about the elections in France,” Mr Scholz told public broadcaster ARD. “And I hope that the parties which are not that of (Marine) Le Pen, to put it that way, will win the elections. But it is up to the French people to decide,” he added.

One week before the first round of legislative elections in France, the far-right party, the National Rally (RN), is entering the home stretch as a favorite.

Two polls published on Saturday show a strong lead for the RN and its right-wing allies in terms of voting intentions in the first round of the legislative elections (35.5 to 36%), followed by the left (New Popular Front: 27 to 29.5 %), with President Emmanuel Macron’s majority being far behind (19.5 to 20%).

Mr Macron took the shock decision to dissolve the National Assembly and call early legislative elections after his failure in the European elections on June 9 against the RN – which obtained twice as many votes in this election as his party, Renaissance.

During the European elections, the German far-right party AfD also achieved the best score in its history with 15.9% of the vote, ahead of Mr. Scholz’s social democrats who obtained 14%, their worst score for this election. .



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