VIDEO – Switzerland: images of torrential floods which have already left one dead

Thunderstorms and violent precipitation caused floods and landslides in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland, on Friday.

A body was found this Sunday.

Two people are still missing.

Furious torrents rushing at full speed on the roads, between homes. Friday evening, June 21, thunderstorms and very heavy precipitation caused flooding and landslides in the Mesolcina Valley, an Italian-speaking mountain region in the canton of Graubünden, in eastern Switzerland. The impressive images of the torrential floods can be found at the top of this article.

The body of one of the missing people was found this Sunday, police announced, while operations continue to find two other people.

Man found dead

The victim whose body was discovered is a man, said operations manager William Kloter of the Graubünden cantonal police. The remains were carried by water for more than 8 kilometers. One of the four missing people was found alive, but injured, in rock slides on Saturday morning and transported to Lugano hospital. Regarding the two other missing people, “the probability of finding them alive is low”and relevé William Kloter.

On Saturday, the cantonal police announced that the missing people, still three in number that day, “were probably at home at the time of the storm and [avaient été] washed away by flood waters..

A devastated landscape

During this stormy episode, the village of Sorte was particularly affected, with several houses and vehicles swept away, showing a devastated landscape, as can be seen in the photos below.

This aerial photograph shows flooded areas in the hamlet of Sorte, south of Lostallo, in the Moesa region, in the Swiss canton of Graubünden, on June 23, 2024. – PIERO CRUCIATTI / AFP
A car destroyed under a collapsed roof in the hamlet of Sorte, in the Swiss canton of Graubünden, June 23, 2024. – PIERO CRUCIATTI / AFP
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Due to these bad weather, several roads and a section of highway were cut. The minister assured that the authorities were doing what was necessary to “restore north-south traffic as quickly as possible” car ces routes “are particularly popular in summer” by vacationers.

NK with AFP



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