the objective is to restore at least 20% of degraded ecosystems

This vote was supported by 20 Member States representing 66.07% of the EU population, a qualified majority. Only six countries voted against. Belgium abstained.


The vote ends two years of bitter political controversy within the European Union. Flagship project of the European Green Deal in its biodiversity aspect, this legislation sets the objective for Member States to restore at least 20% of degraded ecosystems (lands and seas) in the EU by 2030 and all ecosystems having need to be restored by 2050.

She has been targeted by the European People’s Party (EPP, conservatives) under agricultural pressure, as well as by leaders who, like Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, have called for a “pause” in EU climate laws . The regulation will now be published in the Official Journal of the EU, for entry into force 20 days later.

Ecolo described the adoption of this law as a “victory for nature” and a “success for the Belgian presidency”.

Hundreds of companies and associations advocate for the European Green Deal

“The message is clear: we must continue to realize and implement the Green Deal. This law on the restoration of nature, although imperfect, remains essential with a basis for future, more ambitious measures in terms of restoring our environment and combating the collapse of biodiversity,” stressed the French-speaking Greens in a statement.



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