Vladimir Putin to visit North Korea on June 18-19

Vladimir Putin to visit North Korea on June 18-19
Vladimir Putin to visit North Korea on June 18-19

Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday for a rare visit to one of the most reclusive states in the world, accused by the West of supplying Moscow with ammunition for its offensive in Ukraine.

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The two countries, under extensive international sanctions, have considerably strengthened their ties since the start of the Russian assault on Ukraine in February 2022.

“At the invitation of Kim Jong Un […], Vladimir Putin will pay a friendly state visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on June 18 and 19, 2024,” the Kremlin announced in a statement. Information immediately confirmed by North Korea via its official KCNA news agency.

The Russian president will then visit Vietnam, another partner of Russia from the Soviet era, on June 19 and 20.

The trip comes nine months after Mr. Putin hosted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in the Russian Far East, a visit during which the two men praised each other but did not conclude, officially at least, okay.

According to the West, Pyongyang has drawn on its vast stocks of munitions to massively supply Russia and the Pentagon last week accused Moscow of using North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine.

In exchange, Washington and Seoul say, Russia provided North Korea with expertise for its satellite program and sent aid to deal with the country’s food shortages.

Kim Jong Un praised Wednesday before the Russian leader’s visit the “unwavering bonds of brothers in arms” between Pyongyang and Moscow, which date from the Soviet era.

During his trip to Russia in September 2023, he had already declared that ties between North Korea and Moscow were his country’s “number one priority”.

Vladimir Putin presents his assault on Ukraine and his diplomatic efforts as a battle to fight American hegemony on the international stage, and prides himself on the support of the Chinese giant.

China is North Korea’s main economic supporter and diplomatic ally.

The itinerary of the Russian president’s visit to North Korea was not immediately released.

The two countries have a common land border, which the North Korean leader crossed last year by train.

This is the second visit to North Korea by the Russian leader, who last visited nearly a quarter of a century ago, shortly after he came to power, to meet with Kim’s father. Jung Un, Kim Jong-il.

Mr. Putin, targeted by an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for “illegal” deportations of Ukrainian children and treated as a pariah by the West, has greatly limited his trips abroad.

Ahead of his visit to North Korea, several senior Russian officials, including the head of the foreign intelligence services, Sergei Naryshkin, made a trip to Pyongyang. North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui was in Moscow in January.

In March, Russia used its veto at the UN Security Council to end monitoring of international sanctions violations targeting North Korea, a major gift to Pyongyang.

Analysts have also warned against nuclear-armed North Korea’s intensifying testing and production of artillery and cruise missiles for future arms deliveries to Russia. intended for its assault in Ukraine.

South Korea said Thursday it was “closely monitoring preparations” for Vladimir Putin’s visit to its neighbor, calling on Moscow to “contribute to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula while respecting Security Council resolutions.” of ONU.

Seoul has provided significant military aid to Ukraine, where South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol visited last month, and is taking part in Western sanctions against Moscow.



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