The weather forecast for Monday June 17, 2024 – Weather news

The weather forecast for Monday June 17, 2024 – Weather news
The weather forecast for Monday June 17, 2024 – Weather news

Monday June 17, 2024

The week begins gray with occasional mists or fog at dawn. Clouds carrying showers or intermittent rain rise from the south and affect the eastern half of Brittany in the morning. Finistère is further away but the risk of showers is also present. In the afternoon, the clouds remain dominant. Rain begins in the form of showers, locally stormy in the east and north. Clearings appear at times over Finistère but a veil of cloud also hangs over the sky.

Weak at sunrise in the interior, a southwest wind sets in. It becomes moderate in the afternoon and blows in gusts of up to 50 km/h in the squalls in the east of the region.

Mildness dominates in the early morning with 13 to 15°C in the east, the expected minimum is 10°C in Carhaix and Rostrenen. In the afternoon, the maximums range between 18 and 21°C, 16°C on the Iroise islands.


The weather is expected to be unstable over the next few days. On Tuesday, storms come up from the Bay of Biscay and mainly affect eastern Brittany. The Breton tip is benefiting from clearings even if showers are also possible. Wednesday and Thursday, the risk of storms remains, particularly in the east before a milder weekend. The sun sometimes shows itself generously.

Temperatures rise a few degrees on Tuesday then remain stationary on Wednesday and Thursday. We expect afternoons of 18 to 20°C in the west and up to 23°C in the Loire Atlantique.



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