These common French words that come from Portuguese

These common French words that come from Portuguese
These common French words that come from Portuguese

You may have noticed that French and Portuguese have a few things in common. This is normal, since these languages ​​have the same origins. Certain expressions that we use on a daily basis come directly from the Portuguese language. Here are common French words that come from Portuguese.

A Lusitanism designates a Portuguese word transposed into another language. This term comes from the Roman province of Lusitania, which corresponds to current Portugal. The first Lusitanisms were born in the Middle Ages when Portuguese culture spread to all continents. Besides Portugal, the emergence of Portuguese-speaking countries like Brazil, Angola and Mozambique helped spread Portuguese words around the world. Many borrowings from Portuguese were made during the era of the great discoveries. There are around a hundred French words of Portuguese origin. French and Portuguese being Romance languages, the insertion of Portuguese words into the French language was made easier.

Portuguese vocabulary: here is the list of some Portuguese expressions used in French

Word “marabout“comes from Portuguese”maraboto“, which itself comes from the Arabic “murābiṭ” meaning “monk-soldier”. If the sperm whale is so designated, it is because its Portuguese equivalent “sperm whale” means “big head”. The Portuguese word “barroco“means”granite rock” or “irregular pearl”, and gave “baroque” in French, a very well-known artistic style. Coconut comes from the Italian “cocho”, which was shortened to “coco” by the Portuguese. The French word “guinea pig” comes from the Indian word “sabuyat”, transformed into Portuguese by “çabuya”. If the guinea fowl is not native to Portugal, its etymology comes from the Portuguese “pintada”, which means “painted hen”.

Basics of speaking Portuguese: how do you say hello, thank you and goodbye?

In Portugal, the word “hello” translates to “bom dia“. To say “hi” in Portuguese, you have to say “othere“. If it’s the afternoon, the correct Portuguese words would be “boa is late“. To translate “Good evening” Or “Good night“in Portuguese, you have to say”black boa“. The French word “THANKS” is translated by “obrigado” in Portugal. It agrees with the gender of the person speaking. A man would say “obrigado“and a woman”obrigada“. To say “Thanks a lot“, you have to say “muito obrigado“. The Portuguese word for saying “.Goodbye” East “goodbye“, which strongly resembles “farewell“in French. French words”see you” and “see you later” translate into Portuguese as “logo“It is also possible to say Portuguese words.”our vemos“.

What is the language closest to Portuguese?

Spanish is often considered a language quite close to Portuguese. Spain and Portugal are two countries of Romance origin, which share Latin as their original common language. Although there are differences in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary between Portuguese and Spanish, there are some lexical similarities. For example, Portuguese words “bosque”, “buscar”, “chupar”, “gente” or even “guerra” are written the same way in Spanish. Some Portuguese words are semantically close to Spanish. The French verb “to play” is “jugar” in Spanish and “jogar” in Portuguese.

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