Three seriously injured in knife attack in Wolmirstedt, assailant shot dead

A 27-year-old man was shot dead by police in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, this Friday evening, after he had just stabbed several people in a house in Wolmirstedt, a municipality of 12 000 inhabitants. Three people were seriously injured, according to local media.

According to the Magdeburg public prosecutor’s office, the man first stabbed a young man in a neighboring district. The attacker, as well as this first seriously injured victim, are both of Afghan nationality, according to World. According to the German daily Bildbefore this attack, the man also allegedly threatened people with a knife in a park.

The suspect then entered a house around 9:30 p.m. where several residents were watching the opening match of the Euro football match between Germany and Scotland. The man stabbed three people inside, injuring two seriously and the third more lightly.

Motivations that remain unknown

Residents alerted the police. When the man attacked the police officers who came to the scene, they opened fire. The attacker died in hospital from his gunshot wounds. We still don’t know his motivations. “There is currently no evidence of a religiously motivated act or any other motivation”, the police said in a press release. An investigation has been opened and the police plan to give a press conference this Sunday regarding this case.

A German police officer was killed in a knife attack in Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg) at the beginning of June. The 25-year-old attacker, born in Afghanistan, was neutralized by gunfire. Five other people were injured during the attack, which targeted an information stand of “Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa” (BPE), a political association created in 2008 which claims “defend Western values ​​and freedoms and fight against the Islamization of Europe” and who is known for her criticism of Islam.



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