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Bardella’s conditions for staying in France

Bardella’s conditions for staying in France
Bardella’s conditions for staying in France

The prospect of seeing the RN in power in France worries foreigners, including holders of residence permits, and does not soften the firm positions of the far-right on the issues that have made it successful and fuel fears against it. .

By lefebvre_jonathan / Adobe Stock

The leaders of the National Rally (RN) try to reassure but remain firm on immigration, dual nationality, land rights… In the end, they have difficulty convincing those who see them as a threat to their future In France.

Jordan Bardella, president of the RN (former National Front), reiterates that if his party manages to form a government, its priorities will be purchasing power, security and immigration.

If I become Prime Minister of the country at the beginning of July, I will make the question of immigration and control of our borders one of my priorities and that is good because it is also the priority of the French“, he reiterated this Friday June 14 on BFMTV and RMC.

Jordan Bardella promised to vote in the first weeks of his action on an immigration law which will aim to “to begin with“to facilitate the expulsions of delinquents, criminals and foreign Islamists by lifting administrative constraints.

Above all, the head of the RN is committed to abolishing land law. “It is a clear message: with me, France will no longer be a country of uncontrolled mass immigration.“, he declares.

Jordan Bardella, who said last May that he was in favor of economic immigration “controlled“reiterated that he will not completely close the door to immigration but will reduce”drastically and considerably the flow“.

The RN tries to reassure foreigners, but…

This firm tone from the leaders of the far-right is accompanied by a speech which is intended to be reassuring towards all those who fear the accession of this movement to power.

This Friday morning on the same media, Bardella was arrested by a foreigner legally in France. The lady, a manager in an association, says that she arrived in France at the age of five and that she has a residence permit that is renewable every ten years.

If you join Matignon, what will become of people like me who have never applied for nationality?“. The probable future French Prime Minister replies that there are often “caricatures” about his party’s project.

Immigration to France: Bardella’s conditions for holders of residence permits

I reassure everyone today, our compatriots of foreign nationality or of foreign origin, who work, who pay their taxes, their contributions, who respect the law, who love our country, have absolutely nothing to fear from the policy that I will implement“, he tried to reassure the listener.

For the case of the listener, Jordan Bardella also listed a certain number of conditions that she must satisfy to stay in France. “ If you work, if you respect the law and you participate in the national community, there is no difficulty “, he said, recalling that his family is also of foreign origin.

Bardella to a foreigner in a legal situation: “ If you work, if…

That said, he did not fail to castigate the social system.extremely attractive” for foreigners. On the other end of the line, the woman says she is “not convinced” because she believes that you do not need to have French nationality to love France.

On Cyril Hanouna’s set on LCI, the vice-president of the RN Sébastien Chenu did not even try to reassure concerning dual nationality, which he barely tolerates if the other citizenship is European.

Perhaps on the European aspect it can be discussed, it can be opened up. But I think that outside of European countries, when you have a nationality, you have one because it says a lot about who you are. You can’t be French for certain things and Uruguayan for others“, he argued, supported by Hanouna who drew the parallel with football where you have to choose only one national team to play for.

Sébastien Chenu then made his mea culpa by recognizing that the measure to abolish dual nationality in France was abandoned by the RN, but this backpedaling did not extinguish the controversy which was provoked by his remarks.



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