“We are among the crazy”, says Emmanuel Macron about the opposition programs

“We are among the crazy”, says Emmanuel Macron about the opposition programs
“We are among the crazy”, says Emmanuel Macron about the opposition programs

The President of the Republic, even abroad, remains in the campaign. Questioned on the sidelines of a trip to Bari (Italy) for the G7, Emmanuel Macron commented on Friday June 14 on French political news and the programs of the opposition, the New Popular Front and the National Rally, with a view to the legislative elections.

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Both “pose a very great danger” to the French economy and are “totally unrealistic”, he estimated. On the subject of the war in Ukraine and Gaza in particular, he denounced the “contrary opinions” within alliances. “We’re among the crazy, it’s not serious”did he declare.

“Two extreme blocks”

“I believe in political overcoming but on a basis of coherence”added the President, welcoming that the presidential majority “speak with one voice” unlike other political groups.

Read also: Legislative: Aurélien Rousseau, former Macronist minister, candidate of the New Popular Front

“Today there are two extreme blocs which have chosen economic programs which are not within the framework of an ethic of responsibility and which promise people gifts which are not financed”added the Head of State 16 days before the early legislative elections.



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