Discover the top 10 best communication schools

Discover the top 10 best communication schools
Discover the top 10 best communication schools

EXCLUSIVE-Le Figaro Etudiant publishes for the first time its ranking of the best communication schools.

We have to fight against many of the fantasies of young communications graduates. says Guillaume Pommier, general manager of the Double 2 agency. Among these fantasies, the idea that all schools are equal. Or that it is as useless to learn the art of communication as it was superfluous for Monsieur Jourdain to learn the art of prose.

But communication does not amount to “knowing how to play the pipe”. It’s a real profession, with its rules, its laws and its constraints. But here it is: communication training? On Parcoursup alone, there are more than 1,500, whether via public establishments (827), or via private schools (771). It is therefore difficult to choose the right course. In order to allow you to make an informed choice, we have therefore ranked the best communication schools in France.

Schools outside Parcoursup

The methodology is based on four pillars: recognition of diplomas by the State (RNCP titles, visas, grades, etc.), professional integration, etc.

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