Devastating sequence at the G7: Joe Biden lost, confused and absent… Emmanuel Macron no longer knows where to stand

Devastating sequence at the G7: Joe Biden lost, confused and absent… Emmanuel Macron no longer knows where to stand
Devastating sequence at the G7: Joe Biden lost, confused and absent… Emmanuel Macron no longer knows where to stand

After the slap in the face of the European results, on June 9, Emmanuel Macron, without Brigitte, headed towards Italy, where the G7 was held. The French head of government, as well as representatives of seven other great powers, including Giorgia Meloni and Joe Biden, were gathered in the luxurious seaside resort of Borgo Egnazi, in Puglia.

In the program ? Strengthening relations between different countries, among others. The current situation in the Middle East, migrations, and the subject of artificial intelligence are subjects that must be addressed in particular. But it seems that such issues have made Joe Biden very tired. The American president offered a devastating sequence to the fierce eyes of cameras around the world.

Emmanuel Macron is embarrassed… but does not react

Faced with a photo session this Thursday, June 14, the American president experienced a moment… of absence. As heads of state gathered to admire the paratroopers who descended from the sky displaying the allied flags of allied nations during the famous flag ceremony, he appeared not to understand what was happening.

Giorgia Meloni, Emmanuel Macron and other leaders all applauded these soldiers straight from the sky to recall the glorious alliance of nations. All except Joe Biden. Disoriented and absent, the tenant of the White House looked in another direction. Ignoring what was in front of him, he sent his greetings and congratulations to another soldier present on the ground, to the right. Observing this scene of total loss, Emmanuel Macron offered an embarrassed smile to Joe Biden. But that didn’t help him. It was the Prime Minister of Italy who finally ended up coming to the aid of the American president. She gently guided him in the right direction.

White House secretary denounces attempt to “damage” Biden’s image

After the broadcast of this dramatic sequence for the image of the

competitor of Donald Trump
in the next presidential election, Andrew Bates, White House secretary, tried to avoid the bad buzz. According to him, the media are trying at all costs to “harm” the image of the American president.

He also points out a framing flaw. According to him, Joe Biden was admiring the demonstration of a parachutist right next door. This does not appear in the frame, and this is why viewers were able to believe that the American president was speaking to himself. However, it was towards him, to send his congratulations, that he would have raised his thumb. Despite these justifications, on the Web, the 81-year-old politician is subject to the cruelest mockery.



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