Eric Ciotti prepared with Vincent Bolloré his rallying to the RN in view of the French legislative elections

Eric Ciotti prepared with Vincent Bolloré his rallying to the RN in view of the French legislative elections
Eric Ciotti prepared with Vincent Bolloré his rallying to the RN in view of the French legislative elections
Read also: The traditional French right torn apart in the recomposition caused by the dissolution

The preservation of French identity

The two men have known each other for several years. “We are both concerned about the preservation of French identity,” recognized Eric Ciotti in November 2021, when he spoke about Vincent Bolloré in The world. Every summer, for several years, they have met in the south of France, when the Breton spends his vacations at his house in Saint-Tropez.

In the winter of 2021, it was already a few hours after an interview with Vincent Bolloré that Eric Ciotti announced that he would vote for Eric Zemmour if the latter were to face Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election. Then, on CNews, he called on Reconquest supporters to join the Republicans in order to vote for him in the right-wing primary. Despite everything, he was beaten by Valérie Pécresse.

Read also: Excluded from the Republicans, Éric Ciotti says: “I remain the president”

A petition to bring together the rights

In 2022, Vincent Bolloré supported Eric Zemmour’s campaign. Marine Le Pen? “She’s left-wing,” he castigated. But, since the failure of Reconquest, he has resolved to do with the National Rally, whose new president, Jordan Bardella, he appreciates. He therefore put part of his group, which extends from the media to publishing, at the service of this political goal.

This Wednesday, it was together that Eric Ciotti and Vincent Bolloré imagined the launch of a petition to support this gathering of the right opposed by many Republican executives. Then Eric Ciotti went to CNews to mock his former friends, “so out of touch with reality when they castigate the fascist danger”. Excluded by the political bureau, he still refuses to cede the presidency of the party.

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