European elections: first results in, the far-right in the lead in Austria

European elections: first results in, the far-right in the lead in Austria
European elections: first results in, the far-right in the lead in Austria

The far-right party in the lead in Austria

The far-right FPÖ party comes out on top after the European elections on Sunday in Austria, according to exit polls published by the main media.

He is credited with 27% of the votes, becoming for the first time the most important political force in the Alpine country. The FPÖ would have gained 10 percentage points compared to the 2019 elections. The Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP/PPE) would come in second place, at 23.5%, according to these polls, while the Social Democratic Party of Austria ( SPÖ/S&D) would be third (23%). Austria has 20 of the 720 future MEPs in the European Parliament. Sunday’s vote is also seen as a test for national elections in the fall. Here too, the polls so far show the FPÖ as the clear favorite.

France: participation at 45.26% at 5:00 p.m., up compared to 2019

The participation rate in the European elections was up on Sunday at 5:00 p.m., to 45.26% compared to 43.29% during the 2019 election at the same time, the Interior Ministry said. Five years ago, the participation rate reached 50.12% at the end of the vote, marking a clear rebound compared to the 2014 European elections (42.43%).

Greece: the right acclaimed according to an exit poll

The right-wing party of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis came first in the European elections on Sunday in his country, with between 28 and 32% of the vote, according to exit polls published by the ERT channel. The head of government, re-elected with an absolute majority a year ago, however misses his objective of gathering 33% of the votes as he insisted during the electoral campaign.

Germany: towards a defeat for Olaf Scholz

The parties in German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition are set to suffer a setback in this Sunday’s European elections, with the Social Democrats arriving behind the conservatives and the far right, according to polls carried out by public television. According to surveys carried out at the exit of the polling stations for ARD and ZDF, Olaf Scholz’s SPD would obtain 14% of the vote. In opposition, the conservatives (CDU – party of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen – and CSU) would come first with 29.5-30% and the far-right AfD, in second place, with 16.5 -16%.



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