Chad: Allamaye Halina, a devoted and loyal Prime Minister | TV5MONDE

Chad: Allamaye Halina, a devoted and loyal Prime Minister | TV5MONDE
Chad: Allamaye Halina, a devoted and loyal Prime Minister | TV5MONDE

Allamaye Halina, former ambassador to China, is appointed Prime Minister of Chad, according to a presidential decree read on public television Onama on Thursday, May 23, the day when General Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, former head of the junta for three years, took the oath to a five-year term.

(Re)read Presidential election in Chad: General-President Mahamat Déby in the footsteps of his father

The 12 points of the Head of State and the 100 commitments are sacred. This is why we are getting to work with greater determination than ever.
Allamaye Halina, Prime Minister of Chad

In the opinion of Chadian President Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, Allamaye Halina is “a faithful among the faithful” he writes in his autobiography “From Bedouin to President” published in April 2024. Allamaye Halina’s career is notably marked by 13 years of service within the Protocol of the Presidency of Chad. As general manager, he has served Déby father and son since 2010.

Presented as “discreet, loyal and available” on the website of the Presidency of Chad on the occasion of his decoration by the Head of State Mahamat Idriss Deby to the rank of Grand Officer of the National Order of Chad on March 14, 2023, Allamaye Halina had been appointed Ambassador of Chad in China on January 31, 2023.

(Re)see Chad: Allamaye Halina appointed Prime Minister

Born the 1er January 1967 has Gounou Gayain the province of Mayo-Kebbi Est, in southern Chad, Allamaye Halina is married and father of seven children.

A graduate in history-geography and international relations, Allamaye Halina began a diplomatic career in 1997 within the Prime Minister’s Office and then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before joining the presidency of Chad, recalls the site

Allamaye Halina has no other personal ambition than to be a good servant of the State
Ladiba Gondeu, Chadian sociologist

Allamaye Halina’s mission is to implement the program of President Mahamat Idriss Deby. “The 12 points of the Head of State and the 100 commitments are sacred. This is why we are getting to work with greater determination than ever before”he declared during the transfer of power for the Prime Minister.

For sociologist Ladiba Gondeu interviewed by TV5MONDE, Allamaye Halina is “someone who is not going to betray Mahamat Idriss Deby and who has no other personal ambition than to be a good servant of the State. He is not a politician, he does not have a political party, he does not have the ambition to be president one day. It’s an accepted choice”. A profile that is the polar opposite of his predecessor Succès Masra who presented his resignation on May 22.



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