In the United Kingdom, the sinking of the Conservative Party

In the United Kingdom, the sinking of the Conservative Party
In the United Kingdom, the sinking of the Conservative Party

Published on May 23, 2024 at 8:01 p.m. / Modified on May 23, 2024 at 8:56 p.m.

“The flood”. The headline of the Spectator, an openly pro-conservative magazine, is cruel, accompanied by a drawing that is even crueler. Its cartoonist depicted Rishi Sunak in pouring rain, knee-deep in water, appearing close to being submerged as he announced parliamentary elections on July 4.

The torrential conditions of the British Prime Minister’s speech in front of Downing Street on Wednesday provoked a cascade of mockery on social networks. Rishi Sunak stood soaking wet, under an end-of-the-world sky, for what should have been a solemn moment. Drowning, shipwreck, getting bogged down… Everyone has their own metaphor.

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