Gaza: Terrorists Eliminated and Weapons Seized in UNRWA School | LIVE

Gaza: Terrorists Eliminated and Weapons Seized in UNRWA School | LIVE
Gaza: Terrorists Eliminated and Weapons Seized in UNRWA School | LIVE

Iran: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh present at the funeral of President Raïssi

Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political wing of Hamas, is in Tehran this Wednesday morning to attend the funeral of President Raisi, as is the deputy secretary general of Hezbollah, Naim Kassem. Delivering a eulogy, Haniyeh said he had come to express his condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people and the “resistance factions in Gaza.” He noted that before his death, the Iranian president had told him that the Muslim world must “fulfill its obligation to the Palestinians by helping them liberate their land”, and that he had called the October 7 attacks a “tremor of land at the heart of the Zionist entity”. “The president promised us that Iran will continue to support the Palestinian resistance until the aspirations of the people and the nation are met. We thereby confirm that Gaza will continue its resistance until the entire land is liberated , with Jerusalem at its heart, we are convinced that Iran will continue its policy of support for the Palestinians alongside the leaders of the resistance axis,” the Hamas leader said.

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Archive – Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, IranAP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File


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