International Criminal Court: arrest warrants requested against Hamas leaders and Benjamin Netanyahu

International Criminal Court: arrest warrants requested against Hamas leaders and Benjamin Netanyahu
International Criminal Court: arrest warrants requested against Hamas leaders and Benjamin Netanyahu

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday requested arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza Strip.

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Karim Khan said in a statement that he was seeking arrest warrants for Mr. Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes including “deliberately starving civilians,” “intentional homicide” and “extermination and/or murder”.

“We affirm that the crimes against humanity referred to in the petitions were a continuation of a widespread and systematic attack directed against the Palestinian civilian population in pursuit of the policy of an organization. According to our findings, some of these crimes continue to be committed,” said Mr. Khan, referring to MM. Netanyahu and Gallant.

Charges against Hamas leaders, including Yahya Sinwar, the movement’s leader, include “extermination,” “rape and other forms of sexual violence,” and “hostage-taking as a war crime.” “.

“We affirm that the crimes against humanity referred to in the petitions were part of a widespread and systematic attack carried out by Hamas and other armed groups in pursuit of the policies of an organization,” is written in the press release.



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