Pope announces 21 new cardinals

Pope announces 21 new cardinals
Pope announces 21 new cardinals

During the Angelus, Francis gives the list of cardinals that he will create during the Consistory on December 8. They come from all over the world, including Iran, Indonesia and Latin America. Among the French speakers, Mgr Jean Paul Vesco of Algiers and Mgr Ignace Bessi Dogbo of Abidjan.

Salvatore Cernuzio, Jean-Charles Putzolu – Vatican City

From Iran to Indonesia, from Japan to the Philippines, from the Ivory Coast to Algeria, to Italy, including the new vicar of the diocese of Rome. Surprisingly, as has become the custom during the last twelve years of his pontificate, Pope Francis read from the window of the Apostolic Palace, after the Angelus, the list of new cardinals to whom he will grant the purple on the 8th. December, on the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

The peripheries of the world with the great archdioceses or the personalities of the Roman Curia are intertwined in the list made public by the Sovereign Pontiff who, also for his tenth Consistory, intends to strengthen the face of a universal Church which embraces all latitudes.

“Their provenance expresses the universality of the Church which continues to proclaim the merciful love of God to all the peoples of the earth. Their inclusion in the diocese of Rome then demonstrates the inseparable link between the See of Peter and the particular Churches spread throughout the world.

Among the future cardinals we also find Nuncio Angelo Acerbi who, at 99 years old, is probably the oldest cardinal created to date. He will be one of the cardinals who, for reasons of age, will not vote at a future conclave. Among the Italians is Mgr Roberto Repole, Archbishop of Turin, theologian and one of the members of the Synod on synodality. The Pope thus returns to give a purple to a great Italian archdiocese, after what, for years, seemed to be an unwritten tradition.

Three future cardinals came from the Curia. First of all, Father Fabio Baggio, Scalabrinian, undersecretary of the dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development and responsible for the section of migrants and refugees. Mgr Fabio Baggio, undersecretary of the same dicastery. Then Archbishop Rolandas Makrickas, Lithuanian, 51 years old, in 2021 appointed extraordinary commissioner for the papal basilica of Sainte-Marie-Majeure, and Mgr George Kovakaad, Indian, a figure known to the general public since he is the organizer of pontifical trips .

Here is the full list of future cardinals:

1. HE Mgr Angelo Acerbi, Nonce apostolique

2. SE Mgr Carlos Gustavo CASTILLO MATTASOGLIO Archbishop of Lima (Peru).

3. HE Mgr Vicente BOKALIC IGLIC CM, archevêque de Santiago del Estero (Primado de la Argentina).

4. HE Mgr Luis Gerardo CABRERA HERRERA, OFM, Archbishop of Guayaquil (Ecuador).

5. MR Fernando Natalio CHOMALí Garib, Archbishop of Santiago de Chile (Chile).

6. Mgr Tarcisio Isao KIKUCHI, SVD, Archbishop of Tokyo (Japan).

7. Mgr Paul Virgil SIONGCO DAVID, Bishop of Kalookan (Philippines).

8. S. Exc. Mgr Ladislav NEMET, SVD, Archbishop of Belgrade-Smederevo, (Serbia).

9. H. Exc. Mgr Jaime SPENGLER, OFM, Archbishop of Porto Alegre (Brazil).

10. HE Mgr Ignace BESSI DOGBO, Archbishop of Abidjan (Ivory Coast).

11. SE Mgr Jean-Paul VESCO, OP, Archbishop of Algiers (Algeria).

12. SE Mgr Paskalis Bruno SYUKUR, OFM, Bishop of Bogor (Indonesia).

13. H.Exc. Mgr Dominique Joseph MATHIEU, OFM Conv., Archbishop of Tehran Isfahan (Iran).

14. SE Mgr Roberto Repole, Archbishop of Turin (Italy).

15. HE Mgr Baldassare REINA, auxiliary bishop of Rome, former Vicegerent and today Vicar General for the diocese of Rome.

16. HE Mgr Francis LEO, archevêque of Toronto (Canada).

17. HE Mgr Rolandas MAKRICKAS, coadjutor archpriest of the papal basilica of Saint Mary Major.

18. HE Mgr Mykola BYCHOK, CSR, bishop of the Saints Peter and Paul Eparchy of Melbourne of the Ukrainians.

19. RP Timothy Peter Joseph RADCLIFFE, OP, theologian

20. RP Fabio BAGGIO, CS, undersecretary of the dicastery for the Integral Human Development Service

21. Mgr George Jacob KOOVAKAD, official of the Secretariat of State, organizer of apostolic journeys



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