Hezbollah’s allies in the West are enemies of the West

Hezbollah’s allies in the West are enemies of the West
Hezbollah’s allies in the West are enemies of the West

Israel’s elimination of Hassan Nasrallah could have been treated politically as a victory against terrorist Islamism – much like the news of bin Laden’s elimination was received.

The man, certainly considered a charismatic leader, was at the head of a terrorist movement, Hezbollah, which has taken Lebanon hostage for a long time. He dreamed of destroying Israel and served the revolutionary Islamist regime in Tehran.

Likewise, the strike launched against the cadres of this movement a few days earlier (the famous attack through the pagers) could have been received in a similar spirit.

It wasn’t really that way.

Overall, Western governments still recognize Israel’s right to defend itself, even if they urge it to exercise caution – which goes without saying when we are talking about such a flammable region, from which the world could burn. , but we guess that the Israelis also consider that it is more prudent to fight their enemies than to let them attack them.

But we feel that this caution is also the mask of fear. And a fear linked not to what is happening in the Middle East, but to what is happening within their own borders, where many Muslim communities have settled for around forty years, who feel more like they belong to the world. Islamic than to their host nation, even if they have been settled there for several generations.

Let’s put it another way: Muslim communities often feel Muslim before feeling French, English, Scottish or so on. The Palestinian cause, in its most extreme formulation, often serves as their standard.

Let’s go further: these communities often feel that they belong to Islamic civilization, if I may be allowed this formula, more than to Western civilization, which they often approach as conquerors, to use the formula of Sonia Mabrouk, who takes a very lucid look at this question (obviously, I am generalizing, because some of them have obviously successfully integrated into the Western world).

Let us think of London, Brussels, Seine-Saint-Denis or certain parts of Michigan which we talk about a lot these days: what must be called foreign enclaves have been formed in our societies, which are also experienced as bridgeheads of Islamism which one day intends to subjugate the West. And this is where we come across the question of Hezbollah.

This raises the broader problem of diasporas in the West, which are driven or often manipulated by their States of origin.

Those who mourn today the eliminated leader of Hezbollah admit to us, without even realizing it, unless they are fully aware of it, that they see themselves as enemies of the West. They recognize themselves in a hostile outlook on our world. At the very least, they do not share in his destiny.

They obviously find support in our societies which have converted to the Islamo-leftist software, as we see in Western Europe. In particular, we saw a part of the French press still hypnotized by Third Worldism praising it, almost adopting Islamist martyrological vocabulary. We will also not forget the movement which claims to be “decolonial” and which, in fact, intends to impose a form of counter-colonization on the Western world.

Islamism penetrates our countries all the more easily because it has allies there – who are often useful idiots who venerate multiculturalism and do not understand that Islamism exploits it, as it has achieved by making fight against a very imaginary Islamophobia a government mission in Canada. If Islamism ever wins, they will be the first victims.

There is currently fear in Europe of demonstrations celebrating October 7. Which forces us to note that massive immigration has not only installed individuals in our societies, but one or more civilizations which have a relationship of revanchist hostility towards us, which is not on the verge of dissolve.

We will see confirmation that we are now experiencing the clash of civilizations within our borders.



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