“I love you neither”: the “rankings” of universities, these controversial but hyper-scrutinized rankings

“I love you neither”: the “rankings” of universities, these controversial but hyper-scrutinized rankings
“I love you neither”: the “rankings” of universities, these controversial but hyper-scrutinized rankings

Published on September 30, 2024 at 05:33. / Modified on September 30, 2024 at 10:20.

It has become a tradition since the first publication of the ranking of Shanghai in 2003: every year during the summer, the academic world – and the press – monitors the results of Swiss universities in international comparison. 2024 was no exception: “Shanghai ranking: several Swiss universities in the Top 100”, “Shanghai ranking: Unige in 58th place”, “Shanghai ranking: unbeatable American universities, 5 Swiss universities in the Top 100,” headlined the local press in mid-August. A few weeks later, the figures will be proudly repeated in the auditoriums to welcome the new students. It will be a question of prestige, heritage, scientific excellence.

But if they guarantee good publicity, the rankings are however debated, in particular due to the commercial interests of certain suppliers of said rankings, a lack of transparency in the methodologies and the “promotion of a single form of model of excellence”, details the European University Association in a published report in 2023. She then underlined the fact that in order to perform, certain universities find themselves faced with the temptation to orient their policy according to the indicators evaluated – such as the reception of foreign students.

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