Lina, who disappeared a year ago, was tied up by her tormentor: here is the disturbing profile of Samuel Gonin

Lina, who disappeared a year ago, was tied up by her tormentor: here is the disturbing profile of Samuel Gonin
Lina, who disappeared a year ago, was tied up by her tormentor: here is the disturbing profile of Samuel Gonin

Everything tends to demonstrate the involvement of Samuel Gonin” in Lina’s disappearance, said Alexandre Chevrier.Significant resources remain mobilized to find Lina”he assured, noting that a “A number of questions are likely to remain unanswered following the death of Samuel Gonin. (who committed suicide on July 10, Editor’s note).”

Lina disappeared late in the morning on September 23, 2023. She had left her home in Plaine, at the foot of the Vosges mountains, to go to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche train station, about three kilometers away. She was supposed to take the train to meet her boyfriend in .

Who is Samuel Gonin?

Despite several searches conducted in the following days, no trace of the teenager had been found. On October 1, 2023, a judicial investigation was opened on charges of kidnapping and criminal sequestration. This long-term investigation took a turn on July 26, with the announcement by the Strasbourg prosecutor’s office of a “major breakthrough”: the discovery near of Lina’s DNA in a Ford Puma car stolen in Germany.

Hair and fingerprints were found in the vehicle but no trace of blood. However, his phone, which had stopped transmitting at 11:22 a.m. on the day of his probable abduction, is still missing. The hypothesis of abduction and sequestration by Samuel Gonin are now more than ever favored by investigators.

Disappearance of Lina: “Samuel Gonin had already harassed women”, this new testimony which incriminates the main suspect

Testimonies are pouring in from everywhere concerning the personality of the main suspect. Thus, a restaurateur from Besançon declared, in the newspaper l’Est Républicain, that Samuel Gonin had a particularly insistent behavior with women.. “With uA colleague of ours had both had to oust him from our restaurants during the year 2023“, he initially claims. Events which took place shortly before the young girl’s disappearance.”It was a Wednesday night, I had people in the main room. Samuel Gonin was alone at the bar and was drinking. I knew him, he had already come in the past and had never caused any problems,” says the restaurateur. “During the evening, I saw him approaching tables and offering drinks to groups of women. I immediately sensed discomfort among my customers“.

In a psychiatric report of about ten pages, the doctors state that he is a “normal individual” but who shows a “borderline” personality. Questioned last June for a series of violent robberies near Besançon, the main suspect claimed to have “unscrewed after a breakup.”

The main suspect, 43, was found dead in his apartment last July. Before taking his own life, he had left this enigmatic message: “II have lost my honor, my dignity and my humanity. I have to leave, I don’t know how to control myself, it’s going too fast



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