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War in Ukraine: more than 610,000 killed or wounded on the Russian side (London)

War in Ukraine: more than 610,000 killed or wounded on the Russian side (London)
War in Ukraine: more than 610,000 killed or wounded on the Russian side (London)

Russia has likely lost more than 610,000 people in Ukraine – killed or wounded – since the start of its full-scale invasion, the UK Ministry of Defence has revealed in its latest intelligence update.


Russia has likely lost more than 610,000 people – killed or wounded – since the start of its full-scale invasion, the UK Ministry of Defence has revealed in its latest intelligence update.

Russian officials have said that by 2023, the Defense Ministry will be recruiting at a rate of 1,600 per day. But figures cited publicly this year put the rate at around 1,000 per day.

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These figures themselves are probably inflated to some extent, but they demonstrate that tactics based on massive infantry waves have forced Russia to constantly replenish its front-line forces. Including those in the Kursk region.

The Washington Post, meanwhile, claims that the total number of military personnel Ukrainians and Russians killed or injured since the beginning of Russian aggression reached a million.

The newspaper writes that it is difficult to determine the exact number of dead and wounded in the war, as Russia and Ukraine refuse to publish official figures and sometimes report figures that many do not trust.

The WSJ, citing confidential data from sources familiar with the matter dating back to the beginning of the yearnotes that “the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed rises to 80,000 and the number of 400,000 injured “.

“Western intelligence estimates of losses Russians vary, with some estimating the number of deaths at nearly 200,000 and the number of around 400,000 injured “, the newspaper wrote.

Tensions around Kursk

The Financial Times, citing a senior Ukrainian military intelligence official, reports that Russian forces have committed 38,000 troops to the fighting in the Kursk region, including assault brigades redeployed from southern Ukraine.

Russian forces recently recaptured territory in the Ukrainian salient, advancing north from Obukhovka, southeast of Korenevo.

Ukrainian and Russian forces continued to advance in the Glushkovsky district amid ongoing fighting in the area.

Ukrainian forces have recently advanced south of Veseloye, southwest of Glushkovo and west and north of Medvezhye, southeast of Veseloye, bringing them closer to Glushkovo and threatening to split this pocket south of the Seim River in two.

Additional sources • FT, WSJ, Ukrayinska Pravda, adaptation: Serge Duchêne



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