A few weeks ago, Pauline, notable adventurer of Koh-Lanta, the immunity hunters, announced on Instagram that she was expecting her first child. Girl or boy? The young woman finally reveals the sex of the baby in a very cute video.
Emblematic candidate of Koh Lantathe immunity huntersalongside Amri, Meissa, Léa, the big winner, and the others, Pauline has seen her life take a boost since her adventure. The one who has shared her life for a number of years with a certain “Lolo” has, in fact, announced a few months ago that she had become an owner. Then, for her 31st birthday, the pretty cheesemaker received an adorable puppy named Vito. Finally, last November, while she was enjoying a vacation in French Polynesia, Pauline announced on Instagram the imminent arrival of a baby to complete her happiness.
An adorable video to reveal the sex of the baby
After this happy news, a question remained: girl or boy? Pauline lifted the veil on this mystery this Wednesday January 8, 2024, still on Instagram, by sharing an adorable black and white video. We discover Vito, his dog – who has grown up well – having fun like crazy in the snow under the tender gaze of his masters. When the color image returns, we realize that Vito is wearing a… pink t-shirt! You will have understood, it is indeed a girl who will be born in April 2025. “The V which tells you the sex of our baby P”, adds Pauline in story. A video for which the comments were closed as a precaution, but there is no doubt that the large Koh-Lanta family would have, once again, warmly congratulated it.
The joy of the whole Koh-Lanta family
Last November, in fact, when her pregnancy was announced on Instagram, many of them sent her congratulatory messages. “Congratulations to both, my little Paupau”Mégane had written, “Congratulations again Popo and Lolo”, Aurélien added. Messages joined by Amri, Ricky, and even Charlotte. See you in April, to properly welcome this new Koh-Lanta baby. A much more trying adventure than the one led by Denis Brogniart.