“Yves left us last night”, Cécilia Hornus (Plus belle la vie) “overwhelmed” by the disappearance of her brother

“Yves left us last night”, Cécilia Hornus (Plus belle la vie) “overwhelmed” by the disappearance of her brother

Pour Cécilia Hornusthe interpreter of Blanche Marci in More beautiful lifethe year 2024 has not been all good news. Of course, the French actress has returned to the role that has made her famous since the early 2000s. Last January, TF1 finally started a sequel of More beautiful life.

And Cécilia Hornus, like most of the actors in the old soap opera, was given a place in le casting of the TF1 program. Nevertheless, the actress also had to face several tragedies in her entourage since last year. Since Friday, September 13, Cécilia Hornus has unfortunately been going through a new mourningthat of his brother.

Cécilia Hornus, the actress of Blanche Marci in More beautiful lifehas just lost his brother, Yves

The news has just been announced by Cécilia Hornus on his Instagram accountthis Saturday, September 14. The actress of the series More beautiful life did not give any interviews on this subject. Nor did she get lost in explanations concerning the causes of the death of his brother, Yves. The interpreter of Blanche Marci was content to publish a black and white photo.

In this one, his brother shares a moment of happiness seated at a table with his loved ones. According to Cécilia Hornus, this photo perfectly represents the personality of this man. “A photo that absolutely sums up the person that was my brother Yves who left us last night”she also wrote in the caption of the photo. “Joie de vivre, epicurean and truculent. It is the valley of tears that is always deepening a little more. I think of his children, and of our whole family overwhelmed by this new mourning”concluded the actress of More beautiful life.

Cécilia Hornus already lost her mother last January, after the deaths of actors Marwan Berreni and Michel Cordes

Cécilia Hornus must face a wave of deaths in his entourage for over a year. The body of Michel Cordesthe former actor of Roland Marci in More beautiful lifewas found dead in May 2023. His death was followed, a few weeks later, by that of Marwan Berreni, in October 2023. The former interpreter ofAbdel Fedala.

These two deaths have deeply touched Cecilia Hornuslike many actors in the series More beautiful life. “It’s like when you lose a parent, you have to keep getting up to go to work, take care of the children, buy your bread. The grief was immense for Michel as well as for Marwan. (…) These are family members who have left”the actress shared last January, in an interview with The Dauphiné Libéré.

In her family circle, Cécilia Hornus also has lost his motherWednesday January 24, 2024. As after the death of her brother, the interpreter of Blanche Marci in More beautiful life had simply published a photo on his Instagram account, in writing “maman” in legend.


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