his technique for selling an old piece of furniture for more than 140,000 euros

his technique for selling an old piece of furniture for more than 140,000 euros

The second-hand dealer has become a real television star thanks to her participation in Deal Done. It must be said that Caroline
does not lack experience in the field. In a show, she recently confided her
technique which allowed him to sell an old piece of furniture for more than 140,000 euros.

She is one of the pillars of the France 2 program. While the channel could have feared a drop in audience following the departure of Sophie Davant, this was not the case. This is partly due to the fact that the historical buyers have decided to continue the adventure with the new presenter Julia Vignali. And the one who will celebrate her 58th birthday on September 29th is greatly contributing to the success of the show.

Deal buyer Caroline Margeridon shared her technique

The Biarritz native knows her job and her frankness is appreciated by viewers. She confided in her secrets of a negotiator and a rather lucrative sale that she made a long time ago. It is within the framework of the media Legend that she explained how she managed to always be profitable. “If you buy something 100, you have to set it to 300.”she began.

She then detailed her way of set the price objects she finds. “You bought an item for 100, you put it at 300. We’ll negotiate it down to 250 euros.”explained Caroline Margeridon. Before continuing:
“I made a margin of 150 euros (…) on which I will pay 20% VAT, on my marge beneficiary. Plus 33% taxes. You take away 55%, it gives me 75 euros left
on which I will pay my shops, my insurance, my sellers.”

Photo credit: France 2
Caroline Margeridon in Deal Done

Caroline Margeridon started when she was very young

Suffice to say that if the added value seems significant, there is not much left at the end even if the second-hand dealer is not to be pitied. Moreover, she is known for her keen sense of
negotiation and its ability to unearth genuine nuggets at the best price. This is what happened to him a long time ago with a piece that brought him a lot of money.

She thus recalled one of the most beautiful cases of her career. At the time, she was very young. She had
than 16 years old and had just started in the profession, well helped by her mother, herself an antique dealer. She made
“the acquisition of a furniture stamped Sauniera renowned 18th century cabinetmaker, for the sum of 400,000 francs.”as told The House Journal
in an article published last August.

Caroline Margeridon remembered this piece of furniture sold for more than 140,000 euros

“It’s a cabinetmaker that I particularly like. It was under Louis XVI.indicated the one who participated at the beginning of the year in Dancing with the Stars. And she quickly resold the piece with a nice profit. In fact, an antique dealer acquired it “for 650,000 francs (approximately 145 000
in 2023 according to the INSEE converter).

Photo credit: France 2
The buyer of the concluded deal Caroline Margeridon

Caroline Margeridon therefore made a capital gain of 250,000 francs, or approximately 38 000 euros. But the story did not end there since the buyer did not keep the piece of furniture for very long. “He has it resold within the weekI think double, more than 1.2 million”said the pretty blonde. It remains the biggest transaction she has ever made, by her own admission.


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