At the Fête de l’Huma, François Ruffin booed during a debate with Raphaël Arnault

At the Fête de l’Huma, François Ruffin booed during a debate with Raphaël Arnault

POLITICS – Warning, minefield. This Saturday, September 14, as part of a debate organized at the Fête de l’Humanité, François Ruffin was invited to speak with several parliamentarians from the New Popular Front: Raphaël Arnault for LFI, Marie Pochon for the environmentalists and Nicolas Sansu for the Communist Party.

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Discussion topic: “ Defeating the RN: how to unite the working classes? “. A debate that comes after the heavy charge of the Picardy deputy against Jean-Luc Mélenchon and France Insoumise, accused of abandoning, by pure electoral calculation, the voters of peripheral France, at the cost of crushing victories of the National Rally in these areas and, concerning him, of experiencing the ” shame “to have led a campaign” to the face » in 2022 and 2024.

“Political error”

A diatribe that has already earned him fierce attacks from the LFI leader’s inner circle, who accuse him of adopting the reasoning of the extreme right. This Saturday, the animosity rose a notch, since upon his arrival at the Agora of the Fête de l’Huma, the elected representative of the Somme was whistled at and taken to task by rebellious sympathizers, as shown in the images below filmed by journalists on site.

Claire Jaquin, in charge of communications at the La Boétie Institute, a think tank for La France Insoumise, published a video in which we see dozens of young people singing the Italian anti-fascist song – ” we are all anti-fascists » – to the founder of Picardie Debout. Caption for this video: “ L’Huma responds to Ruffin ».

During the debate, Vaucluse MP Raphaël Arnault, co-founder of the anti-fascist collective Young Guard, accused his colleague of neglecting the anti-racist cause. François, you recently went on BFM, and I tell you with the greatest militant sincerity that I can muster, you have hurt a lot of comrades, notably the youth who mobilized during the elections. “, launched the LFI elected official, accusing the director of ” Thank you Boss ! » of having committed a « political fault ».

A stormy reception which did not prevent François Ruffin from responding. You can boo me “, he insisted, ” but I have a deep, long-term moral, electoral disagreement with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France Insoumise ” Enough to add salt to the wounds of the division of the left.

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