Drugs discovered in pallets delivered to Grand Frais


An unusual shipment. Packages of cocaine were found in a delivery of bananas destined for a supermarket in Le Creusot, in Saône-et-Loire, on Wednesday, September 11, the newspaper Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace reported on Thursday.

Contacted, the police went to the Grand Frais supermarket chain concerned by this delivery. On site, they noted the presence of dozens of kilos of drugs accompanying the delivery pallets.

The discovery did not stop there, as police and gendarmes also got their hands on three other batches of cocaine in deliveries of fruit and vegetables from the region. In addition to the store in Le Creusot, a Grand Frais supermarket located in Beaune, in Côte-d’Or, another in Bessoncourt, in the Territoire de Belfort, and finally a fourth, in Sochaux, in Doubs, were involved.

No danger identified for customers

The public prosecutors of the various areas concerned confirmed to the local daily the seizure of the packages of cocaine, without giving any indication of the quantity of drugs collected.

“The blocks (of cocaine) were discovered when the truck was unloaded,” the public prosecutor of Montbéliard, in Doubs, told the newspaper.

After this discovery, the prosecutor assures that no danger has been identified for the customers of the stores concerned. “The packaging was outside the banana boxes. The drug was not in contact with the fruit,” he indicates.

The Anti-Narcotics Office mobilized

The Grand Frais channel assured the local newspaper that it was “aware” of these seizures. It indicated that it was “collaborating closely with the police” as part of the investigation.

It is still unclear why cocaine was placed on pallets of supermarket fruit and who was behind the deliveries.

The Besançon Organized and Specialized Crime Division and the Anti-Narcotics Office are in charge of the investigation.

- BFMTV.com


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