Birth! Anaïs (Secret Story 10) has given birth to her first child, photos and the baby’s name revealed

Birth! Anaïs (Secret Story 10) has given birth to her first child, photos and the baby’s name revealed

This Saturday, September 14, Anaïs, revealed in Secret Story 10announced the birth of her first child. On Instagram, she revealed the first photos of the baby, as well as his first name.

Pink notebook in the family Secret Story. Anaïs, who participated in season 10 of the TF1 reality TV show in 2016, gave birth to her first child, a little boy, this Thursday, September 12. The 28-year-old posted the news on her Instagram account this Saturday, September 14. She is seen accompanied by her partner, Thomas. Together, they carry the newborn, dressed in pajamas and a hat. In the caption of the two photos, in black and white, we can read the baby’s first name: Giacomo. Anaïs had announced her pregnancy on social media on March 21. In June, before giving birth to their first child, the lovers got married, both in white. In the comments of this Instagram post, Anaïs’ followers wish her much happiness for this new stage of life.

Manon, Anaïs’ twin sister, became godmother

Among the messages found under Anaïs’s publication, there is one from Manon, her twin. “My lives, I love you, the most beautiful gift”she wrote to her sister and her nephew and godson. Anaïs and Manon had made Secret Story 10 together. Their secret was that they were “the mistresses of identities”. It was only discovered after a month of adventure and Anaïs had managed to go all the way to the final of the show. Since the end of the game, the two sisters have become influencers. They wrote a personal development book released in April entitled The stars will always shine in the night.

Another celebrity gave birth on the same day as Anaïs

Many influencers have sent their congratulations to the young parents. Victoria Mehault, discovered in The Marseillais in the Caribbean in 2020, wish the “welcome to Giacomo”. Eloïse Appelle, Jesta Hillman, Stéphanie Durant and Cassandra Julia also say bravo to Anaïs. As for Sindy, the singer discovered in Pop stars In 2013, she was excited to know that she and Anaïs had had their babies “the same day”. Sindy gave birth to a baby girl, Evy, on September 12.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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