Plus belle la vie: “I feel like I’ve lived with a ghost”… Samuel has doubts about Jennifer – News Series on TV

Plus belle la vie: “I feel like I’ve lived with a ghost”… Samuel has doubts about Jennifer – News Series on TV
Plus belle la vie: “I feel like I’ve lived with a ghost”… Samuel has doubts about Jennifer – News Series on TV

As the mystery surrounding Jennifer deepens in “Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle”, Samuel will make discoveries that will allow him to relaunch his investigation.

But where has Jennifer (Diane Dassigny) gone? This is the question that all the Mistralians have been asking themselves for a few days in Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle. Since Pascal (Davy Sardou) arrived at the doctor’s office, nothing has been going well for the young woman.

She seems to be gradually losing her footing. Now separated from Samuel (Inaki Lartigue), she has taken refuge with Pascal in order to take care of the little kitten he found in the street. Unfortunately for her, she has fallen into the trap of the nurse, who will steal her phone and cut her off from all her loved ones.

With no news from his girlfriend, Samuel will worry a lot and will start looking for her. And his suspicions quickly fall on Pascal.

Thomas reveals new information to Samuel

In a extract From episode 129 of Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle, Thomas (Laurent Kérusoré) and Samuel discuss Jennifer’s disappearance. Thomas asks the policeman if he has any news of the young woman.

But that is not the case. He shares his doubts with Thomas.I hope I’m not completely wrong from the beginning..” Thomas asks him if they have found any new information, but Samuel reminds him that he cannot tell him anything while the investigation is ongoing.

The policeman thinks that Gabriel must be right about Jennifer. She made up things that don’t exist.Even she doesn’t exist. I don’t know anything about her.”. Thomas tries to reassure him. Their love story was indeed real.

I feel like I’ve been living with a ghost… No past, no family, no friends… Not even pictures, nothing“, Samuel explains to her. Thomas tries to cheer her up. Jennifer is counting on him, he must not give up.

The policeman confirms that he wants to find her but he has tried everything. Unfortunately, she has disappeared. Thomas asks him if he has questioned Pascal. He confirms that he has. He asks him why he is asking him this question.

Thomas explains to him that he was the last one to have seen Jennifer before she disappeared. Pascal told the police that he had spoken to her “quickly done“. But Thomas does not agree with this version. They argued for a long time.

He even entrusted her with a little cat”, he explains to Samuel before adding: “I don’t know, I find this guy weird. He always makes a big deal out of it.“Gabriel’s cousin points out that it’s not like him to not like someone.

Thomas explains to him that he doesn’t “don’t feel it“. Samuel asks him if he heard the discussion between Pascal and Jennifer. Unfortunately he was too far away. But for Samuel, it proves that the nurse lied to him.

This new information will allow the police officer to continue investigating Pascal. Will he succeed in finding Jennifer in time? The answer will be found in the next episodes of Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle.



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