Amandine Pellissard accused of abandoning her children, she lets out a huge rant

Amandine Pellissard accused of abandoning her children, she lets out a huge rant
Amandine Pellissard accused of abandoning her children, she lets out a huge rant

This Monday, July 1, Amandine Pellissard gave a huge rant. And for good reason, the mother is accused of having abandoned her children after having had to cut short her vacation.

The summer holidays did not start as Amandine Pellissard had hoped. This Sunday, June 30, the former star of Large families: life in XXL revealed that she had been injured when she had just arrived at the campsite with her husband Alexandre and some of their children. “I went shopping with Adam while Alex was at the campsite with the kids and on the way back, I fell with the shopping. I literally broke my foot. It hurts so much, I can’t walk.”she said in a story, before explaining that she had to return home, where her daughters remained under the supervision of a nanny. But this mishap has now earned her the target of much criticism.

Amandine Pellissard accused of having abandoned her children and her husband Alexandre

This Monday, July 1, Amandine Pellissard disclosed the message that an Internet user sent to her friend Jeremstar. “I would like to speak to you because to this day, Amandine Pellissard has just left Alex with 5 children, the boys who had problems and especially her baby Maéna! The networks are in the process of destroying her and in my opinion today at rightly […] She abandoned her baby and 5 of her children to Alex alone in a mobile home for a week! Because she hurt her foot and she went home in a taxi, acted unwell and just spent the evening at a restaurant with her 3 daughters!”, can we read in this message. Shocked by such accusations, the mother of nine children let out a huge rant, first specifying that her little Maéna was at home with her. “I limped to the restaurant with my daughters, is it a tragedy? I’m not allowed? But you are crazy, you need to get treatment, you are completely devastated”she was indignant.

Amandine Pellissard explains why she can’t see a doctor after her injury

Amandine Pellissard is all the more furious because her injury is becoming more and more painful and she cannot get treatment at the moment. “It’s just swelling up that f*cking foot. I don’t know what I have exactly, I think it’s a sprain, I don’t think it’s broken because I can put it down slightly with a limp. The problem is that my health card is Alex who has it because he took the children to the speech therapist a few days before and the children are on my health card, she explained. To conclude, the mother addressed her detractors once again. “The shrews who have nothing else to do, mind your own business, you’re sick. And where are my children having problems? The problems are you, inventing fantastic stories so much that you fuck it!”



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