Plus belle la vie: “Is there a problem?”… Pascal continues to play the police following Jennifer’s disappearance – News Series on TV

Plus belle la vie: “Is there a problem?”… Pascal continues to play the police following Jennifer’s disappearance – News Series on TV
Plus belle la vie: “Is there a problem?”… Pascal continues to play the police following Jennifer’s disappearance – News Series on TV

In the next episodes of “More beautiful life, even more beautiful”, Jennifer will be missing. Samuel and Ariane will embark on an investigation to find her.

What’s going on at the Mistral? Since Pascal (Davy Sardou) arrived in Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle, things have gone wrong for Jennifer (Diane Dassigny). The nurse does everything he can to manipulate the young woman, gradually destroying her life and distancing her from everyone close to her.

She lost her job and separated from Samuel (Inaki Lartigue). If the reason for this revenge is still completely unknown to us, his next step is to attack Jennifer directly.

In this Tuesday, July 2 episode, he convinces her to come and sleep in his apartment in order to take care of a little kitten that he found in the street. And since then, no one has heard from the secretary. Worried about his girlfriend, Samuel launches into an investigation.

And his number one suspect is Pascal. The latter, however, manages to avoid any suspicion, as evidenced by a extract from episode 128 of Plus belle la vie, even more beautiful.

Pascal fools the police again

In this scene, Samuel and Ariane (Lola Marois) go to the doctor’s office to question Pascal. They still haven’t heard from Jennifer. They went to the Mistral before coming to see him and people told them that the nurse might be able to give them some information.

Samuel then shows him a picture of a man on his phone and asks him if he recognizes him.Yes, that’s the guy who had his epileptic fit the other day.”, Pascal replies. He tells them that about two weeks ago, he was at the Mistral when the young man began to convulse. He came to her aid. “There was Dr. Riva, by the way, he can tell you.”, he adds.

Samuel asks him if he accompanied him to the hospital. Pascal answers in the affirmative then asks them if there is a problem. “No, we’re just trying to get in touch with him.“, Ariane explains to him. Samuel asks him if he knows the name of this person.

Nelson Dermain or Germain, or something like that” Pascal answers them. Samuel then asks him if he saw the young man again after this event. But the nurse did not see him again after accompanying him to the hospital. He knows, however, that he came to the doctor’s office two days later. He wanted to thank him but he came by when Pascal was away. It was Jennifer who received him.

Surprised, Ariane asks him if he thinks they knew each other before.I would be surprised. Well maybe, I don’t know.” Pascal replies before adding: “You’re starting to freak me out. There is a problem ?”.

Samuel then asks him if he knows how they could contact this Nelson, but Pascal does not know. He advises them to ask Dr. Riva. Maybe he saw him again after his attack. Pascal apologizes for not being able to help them.

Why are the police looking for this Nelson? Will they discover that Pascal hired him to steal Jennifer’s keys? Will Samuel and Ariane manage to find the young woman in time? The answer will be in the next episodes of Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle.



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