“I got turned down because…”: Chantal Goya reveals the surprising reason why she was ousted from the cast of DALS

“I got turned down because…”: Chantal Goya reveals the surprising reason why she was ousted from the cast of DALS
“I got turned down because…”: Chantal Goya reveals the surprising reason why she was ousted from the cast of DALS

It was the idol of an entire generation that Jordan de Luxe received this week on his show At Jordan’sThe host welcomed singer Chantal Goya, with countless hits such as Bécassine, It’s Guignol!, Mr. Puss in Boots, Pandi Panda.

The opportunity for the singer to share some confidences about her aborted participation in Dance with the stars. “I did it at first but I got told off because I was laughing too much. They said, ‘You’re too playful.'”stressed the wife of composer Jean-Jacques Debout. Chantal Goya would then have highlighted the absurdity of this remark to her caster.That’s precisely the secret of my success, to have always laughed.” she threw at him.

Chantal Goya: “If I don’t have my legendary smile”

“It was before and then I was told ‘No, that’s good, that’s enough’“, added Chantal Goya. And continued: “Not only was I interested in being fired because I had a big meeting and secondly because if I don’t have my legendary smile it’s not possible.”

Without having participated in the dance show on the front page, Chantal Goya can congratulate herself on having been called for the last season of Mask Singer. Hidden under the improbable costume of Popcorn, she was unmasked during the first broadcast, as was the journalist Jacques Legros. “I was surprised to be eliminated so quickly, even though I suspected that people would recognize my voice,” the singer reacted.



NEXT Jordan de Luxe confides the drama he almost experienced in his new show (VIDEO)